- No specific treatment is available for HFMD. 现时并没有特定治疗手足口病的方法。
- There is no specific treatment for monkeypox. 对猴痘没有专门的治疗手段。
- There is no specific treatment for WNV infection. 目前对西尼罗河病毒感染还没有特定的治疗方法。
- There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. 对登革热没有特殊的治疗办法。
- There is currently no specific treatment or vaccine. 目前尚无特定的疗法或疫苗。
- There is no specific treatment for viral conjunctivitis. 病毒性结膜炎并无特别方法治疗。
- There was no specific treatment and the prognosis was poor. 无特效治疗,预后不好。
- There is no specific treatment available for treating DHF. 现时并没有特别的药物可有效地对付登革出血热。
- Although there is no specific treatment for FIV, infected cats can live long and healthy lives. 虽然并没有特别的治疗方式针对FIV的猫咪;但是感染的猫咪通常都可以有很长的寿命跟健康的生活.
- Advanced waste treatment involves a wide variety of processes tailored for specific treatment needs. They may remove up to 99 percent of measured BOD. 深度污水处理系统包括一系列各种各样的处理程序,可以分别满足各种各样的具体处理需要,这些处理系统可以脱去99%25的可测的生化需氧量。
- There is no specific treatment but drugs may be prescribed to reduce discomfort. 现时并无特别的治疗方法,但可处方药物纾缓不适。
- There is no specific treatment for the disease, and supportive treatment is the mainstay of treatment. 现时并无特定的疗法,主要是支援性治疗。
- Impact of the tumor microenvironment on prognosis in follicular lymphoma is dependent on specific treatment protocols. 肿瘤微环境对滤泡淋巴瘤预后的影响取决于特定治疗方案。
- Peter rossing :Firstly some non-diabetic kidney diseases need specific treatment such as immunosuppressive therapy. 其二,二者预后非常不同,与糖尿病肾病相比,某些非糖尿病肾病的预后很好。
- The specific circumstances of the specific treatment, to achieve a reasonable confecting. 抽象环境给抽象差待,做到公道配制。
- There is no specific treatment for this disease. The mainstay of treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Preventive Measures. 日本脑炎并没有有效的专门治疗方法,主要方法是舒缓病徵及透过各种辅助措施去料理病人。
- Because there is so little known about the underlying defect in scleroderma or its pathogenesis, no specific treatment is available. 由于对硬皮病内在病损或发病机制了解极少,以致尚无特效治疗方法。
- Although there is no specific treatment, drugs may be prescribed to reduce the symptoms and antibiotics may be used to treat bacterial complications. 虽然现时未有特定疗法,但可处方药物纾缓病徵,亦可采用抗生素医治由细菌引致的并发症。
- The CT group patients did not receive any specific treatment, but when necessary, were allowed to use topical poultice containing methylsalicylic acid. 的CT组病人没有得到任何特殊待遇,但在必要时,被允许使用的专题poultice含有methylsalicylic酸。
- After initial resuscitation, specific treatment is directed at the underlying condition. Additional supportive care is guided by the type of shock. 初期复苏后,特定疗法主要针对潜在病情,其他支持性治疗则根据休克类型而定。