- It is a way of living specific to him. 那是他特有的生活方式。
- Fins are a feature specific to fish. 鱼鳍是鱼类特有的特徵。
- This disease is specific to this area. 这种疾病只发生在这一地区。
- Is cure bronchitic what specific to have? 治疗支气管炎有没有什么特效药?
- It also incorporate new optimization specific to particular server and local database format. 它也把新的优化细节合并到特殊服务器与本地数据库格式中。
- This section describes limitations specific to this release. 本节描述特定于本发行版的局限性。
- They told us specifically to avoid the main road. 他们特别告诉我们要避开大路。
- Can you send the job specification to me at once? 你能把工程作业的详细说明马上送来吗?
- Comte describes the historical method as specific to sociology. 孔德称历史方法为社会学特有的方法。
- I refer specifically to permanent residents, in contradistinction to temporary visitors. 我是专指永久居民而言,以别於临时访客。
- The Body element comprises the data specific to the message. Body元素由特定于消息的数据组成。
- An error-logging function that is specific to your application. 您的应用程序特定的错误记录函数。
- Window is specific to Integration Services projects. 窗口是特定于Integration Services项目的窗口。
- The rest of the details are specific to the time stamp itself. 剩下来的细节都是与时间戳自身有关的事情。
- Properties provide information specific to this event. 属性提供特定于此事件的信息。
- Each brotherhood has an amount of points specific to the holding. 每一个兄弟点具体的持有量。
- This setting is specific to the project, machine, and user. 此设置将因项目、计算机和用户而异。
- External mapping can be specific to a database provider. 外部映射可以特定于数据库提供程序。
- Listed on this page are deployments specific to AMD and 50x15. 本页列出AMD和50x15的特定部署。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。