- specific pathogen free chicken embryo SPF鸡胚
- Ten strains of adult specific pathogen free chickens are inoculated with Laryngotracheitis(ILT) virulent virus,to in vestigate the clinical signs and the pathological changes by autopsy. 用传染性喉气管炎(ILT)强毒株感染10个家系150日龄BWEL?SPF鸡,观察比较临床症状和剖检所见病变;
- specific pathogen free chicken SPF鸡
- High titer serum and immunoglobulin G (IgG) were prepared from specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens immunized with inactivated AIV subtype H9N2. Rabbits were immunized with this chicken anti-H9N2-AIV IgG and high titer serum were collected. 将H9N2亚型AIV增殖,经差速离心和蔗糖密度梯度离心提纯后,灭活,免疫SPF鸡,制备高免血清并提纯免疫球蛋白G(IgG)。 以此制备疫苗免疫家兔,制备高免血清并提纯其中的IgG。
- A human lung oat cell carcinoma was transplanted and serially passaged in BALB/CA/JCL nude mice, cultivated under a specific pathogen free condition. 一株人肺燕麦细胞癌成功地移植到BALB/CA/JCL品系裸小鼠皮下生长并连续传代。
- The fifteen newborn SPF(Specific Pathogen Free)piglets obtained by caesarean operation were randomly divided into three groups. 通过无菌剖腹产获取15头无特定病原菌(specific pathogen free,SPF)仔猪,随机分为三组。
- To ealuate accine efficacy, groups of 3-week-old specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens were intramuscularly injected with the four plasmids. 为了评价疫苗的效率,我们将3周龄不含特异治病源(SPF)的鸡分别肌内注射了4种质粒。
- Specific Pathogen Free Animal Laboratory 动物实验中心
- specific pathogen free animal(SPFA) 无特定病原体动物
- Experiment on the breeding and cultivation of specific pathogen free Litopenaeus vannamei 凡纳滨对虾无特定病原育苗试验
- Keywords Golden hamster;Microsatellite;Specific pathogen free(SPF);Outbred colony;Genetic difference; 金黄地鼠;微卫星;无特定病原体动物;封闭群;遗传分化;
- Inherited, acquired, or induced resistance to infection by a specific pathogen. 免疫力遗传的、后天的或诱发的对特定的病原感染的抵抗能力
- specific pathogen free animal 特种无菌动物
- specific pathogen free animals 无特定病原动物(微)
- specific pathogen free 无特异病原的
- What happens with the program won't just affect how many children receive free chicken nuggets, chocolate milk and canned fruit salad. 午餐工程的意义不仅在于有多少孩子能吃到免费的鸡块、巧克力牛奶和罐装水果沙拉,它还可以反映出在校学生中有多少贫困生。
- specific pathogen free flock 无特定病原鸡群
- Of, relating to, or having immunity to infection by a specific pathogen. 免疫的属于、关于或具有对某种特定病原体的感染的免疫力的
- In a pot, add Swanson 97% Fat Free Chicken Broth, Water and chopped Garlic. Bring to boil. Add Chicken Thigh pieces. Boil for another 5 minutes. Ready to serve. 将史云生清鸡汤、水、姜片及剁碎的大蒜放入锅内,然后煮沸。将鸡腿肉块加入锅内,用中火煮5分钟。加入山药、红萝卜、冬菇及鲍鱼菇,再煮5分钟,准备上桌。