- There is Haiku is a specific form of poetry. 俳句是一种有特定格式的诗歌。
- Thus, telepathy is actually a specific form of clairvoyance. 心灵感应实际上是超视力的一种特殊形式。
- A juristic act may take any form, unless a specific form is provided by law. 法律规定是特定形式的,应当依照法律规定。
- The estimator can take various specific forms. 这种估计式可采用不同的具体形式。
- A specific form of masculinity arises from a specific environment and brings about effects on gender politics. 本文提出两个层次的解释,以说明为何台湾的工人需要依赖这种高度性别化的文化资源。
- When referencing a specific form, this property works just as it did in Visual Basic 6.0. 当引用特定的窗体时;该属性的工作方式与它在Visual Basic 6.;0中的完全相同。
- The security of the signature schemes whose signatures have specific form is discussed in the random oracle model. 在随机问答器模型下讨论了签名具有某种特定形式的签名体制的安全性。
- Lipid pneumonia or lipoid pneumonia is a specific form of lung inflammation (pneumonia) that develops when lipids enter the bronchial tree. 什麽是'类脂性肺炎-肺部疾病所引起的脂肪吸入颗粒'?
- A BoP account is a statistical tables, it has a specific form of record, classify, organize a national or regional balance of payments in detail. 国际收支平衡表是一种统计表,它以特定的形式记录、分类、整理一个国家或地区国际收支的详细情况。
- The specific form of the distribution of eigenstrains is assumed to be a linear function in Cartesian coordinates of the points of the inhomogeneity. 第2章给出了基于复函数表示的各向异性弹性力学的基本控制方程;
- The literature created in the enemy-occupied areas is a specific form of the Chinese contemporary literature with multiplicity, covertness and parasitism. 沦陷区文学,是中国现代文学的一种特殊形态,具有多层次性、隐蔽性和寄生性。
- Based on the trade in circumvention of the analysis, which appears to circumvent the law to find a specific form, and make the solution put forward their own ideas. 本文通过对贸易中出现的规避行为进行分析,从中寻找法律规避出现的具体形式,并提出有关的解决办法,同时提出自己的主张。
- Technology spillover, a specific form of the inter-industry transfer and diffusion of technological advance, is the most crucial to economic growth and industry development. 技术溢出作为技术进步在产业间转移和扩散的一种特定形式,其对于经济增长和产业发展来说是至关重要的。
- Firstly, from outside form, texturing method has the element of formative beauty as a specific form of stylization. 首先,从外在形式看,皴法作为“程式化”的典型形态,具有形式美的因素。
- The specific forms of legal aid include advice, criminal defense, procurator in litigation and notarization, etc. 法律援助的具体形式包括解答咨询、刑事辩护和诉讼代理以及办理公证等。
- And we will like you to give your comment on our specification form a technical viewpoint. Can you attend meeting? 我们希望你能从技术的角度来评论我们的规格说明书。你能否来开会?
- The specific forms of legal aid include advice,criminal defense,procurator in litigation and notarization,etc. 法律援助的具体形式包括解答咨询、刑事辩护和诉讼代理以及办理公证等。
- The embedded JavaScript Interpreter system separates language specification form body implementation. 解释器系统采用JavaScript语言规范支持和具体实现分离的原则。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- Code groups are defined to test for specific forms of evidence and have permission sets associated with them. 代码组的定义是为了测试特定形式的证据,并且代码组拥有相关联的权限集。