- specific crossing combination 特殊杂交组合
- specific cross combination 特定杂交组合
- And the variance of fatty acid content of the DH lines derived from a cross combination of parents with the same fatty acid contents was the most remarkable. 具有相同脂肪酸含量的两个亲本杂交,后代(DH系)脂肪酸含量变异程度最大。
- The parents transmitted all HMW-GS to the hybrid F1 in some cross combinations, and the female parent affected significantly in inheritance in hybrid F1 in anothor cross combination. 小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基在F1代有些组合呈共显性,有些组合呈倾母性的遗传特性。
- The fruit core size was related to the crossed combinations. 梨后代果心大小遗传与组合类型有关,小果心出现的比例从高到低的组合类型依次为:小×小、小×中、大×中。
- Principal component analysis was carried out to study the slaughtering performance of cross combinations using Anas platyrhynchos as male parent. 摘要利用主成分分析对以绿头野鸭为父本的不同杂交组合的屠宰性能进行了研究。
- Theory of enterprise core competitiveness is one of the availing theoretical achievements cross combined by the Management study and the Economy study. 企业核心能力理论是当前管理学、经济学交叉融合的最新理论成果之一,日益受到企业管理理论界和实践界的关注。
- Comprehensive assessment showed that the combination LBLY containing 1/2 Anas platyrhynchos blood, 1/4 Peking Duck blood and 1/4 Cherry Valley Duck blood was the best among three cross combinations. 综合评定结果显示,含1/2绿头野鸭血统、1/4北京鸭血统和1/4樱桃谷鸭血统的LBLY组合的杂交效果最好。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- In this experiment non-waxy and waxy kernels derived from different cross combinations were harvested for moisture content and bulk density determinations. 为明瞭蜡质基因之效应,本试验乃以不同组合之非蜡质与蜡质子实测定其含水量及容积重。
- The ovaries were cultured on 6 different culture media, and great differences on the intergeneric crossability were found among cross combinations, media and female parents. 在6种不同的培养基中培养子房。
- Abstract : Abstract: In order to research the heritage laws of brix, crude protein and crude fiber of stalk in Sweet Sorghum, three reciprocal cross combinations were designed. 摘要 : 摘 要: 通过配置三个正反交组合,研究饲用高粱茎秆的糖锤度、粗蛋白和粗纤维等饲用品质性状的遗传规律。
- He gave us very specific instructions. 他给我们做了非常明确的指示。
- He was arrested by guards at the border crossing. 他在越境地点被卫兵逮捕。
- The place is marked on the map with a crossing. 那个地方在地图上以十字形记号标出。
- There is a specific tool for each job. 各工种配备特定的工具。
- But that all depend on the specific circumstances. 不过,那要看具体情况而定。
- Avoid crossing this street at rush hours. 避免在交通拥挤时间穿越这条街道。
- The priest was crossing himself. 牧师用手在胸前划着十字。
- She felt/was nauseous during the sea crossing. 她渡海时觉得恶心。