- Another reason the more important is that employees receive a special low interest rate on loans, usually one percent below prime rate. 另一个原因更重要,就是职工可享受特殊的贷款利息率,较之最优惠利息率一般还要低去百分之一。
- Call us to arrange a low interest loan to suit your business needs. 若希望获得适合贵公司需要的低息贷款,请致电我行。
- The low interest loans are intended to help carmakers comply with tougher standards on fuel efficiency and make US battery technology more competitive versus Asian suppliers. 低息贷款旨在帮助汽车制造商达到更苛刻的节油标准,并让美国电池技术相比亚洲供应商更具竞争力。
- The Treasury Department says it will offer low interest loans to private investors so they will buy billions of dollars in toxic assets and get American banks lending again. 财政部声称,将向私人投资者提供低息贷款,因此这些投资者可购买数十亿美元的有毒资产,并且使美国银行能够重新放款。
- Most US schools use " financial aid" to mean the US Federal Student Loan (low interest loan),Federal Work/Study Program,or Federal or State financial assistance (free money) to students from low-income families. 大多数美国学校用“资金资助”表示美国联邦学生贷款(低利率贷款),联邦工作/学习计划,或是给予来自低收入家庭学生的联邦或国家经济资助(无偿款项)。
- Most US schools use " financial aid" to mean the US Federal Student Loan (low interest loan), Federal Work/Study Program, or Federal or State financial assistance (free money) to students from low-income families. 大多数美国学校用“资金资助”表示美国联邦学生贷款(低利率贷款),联邦工作/学习计划,或是给予来自低收入家庭学生的联邦或国家经济资助(无偿款项)。
- interest free or low interest loans 无息、低息贷款
- Do you have access to low interest, long-term loans? 你是否有途径获得低利率长期贷款?
- I consolidated my loans years ago and have a very low interest rate. 我很多年前就统一计算贷款了,所以利率很低。
- A roundtrip on a passenger vehicle at a special low fare. 优惠旅行坐减价交通工具的旅行
- low interest loan 低息贷款
- The company decided to float a loan at lower interest rates. 公司决定筹集低息贷款。
- How would my loan payments change if I found a lower interest rate? 如果利率降低,我的还贷情况如何变化?
- He got a loan from the bank at the lowest interest rate. 他以底码从银行贷到了一笔资金。
- Subprimeborrowers were attracted by teaser loans, which offered low interest rates inthe first two years, jumping sharply over the rest of the loan. 次贷借款人为大伤脑筋的贷款所吸引,在前两年利息率低,在贷款的其余时间急剧跳升。
- For instance , the Veteran's Administration will make loans to war veterans at low interest rates . 例如,退伍军人治理局会给予曾经参战的退伍军人低息贷款。
- The Colt Model 656 M16A1 Special Low Profile had a special upper receiver with no carrying handle. 柯尔特656型低轮廓M16A1具有一个特别的上机匣,没有可拆卸携带提把。
- US's loan crisis is coming from to the low credit crowd's urious interest loan, but the jot credit is to similarly the low credit crowd's urious interest loan! 美国的次贷危机正源自对低信用人群的高息贷款,而小额信贷同样是对低信用人群的高息贷款!
- If special low, only to make some small plaid, Books, newspapers, CD, toys, etc. trivial items stockpiled all characters. 如果特别低矮的,只能做出一些小格子来,将书报、CD、玩具等琐碎的物品统统收纳储存起来。
- In that event, lower interest rates might not help. 在那种情况下,较低的利率可能就没什么用了。