- What specialized courses did you take? 你学过什么专业课程?
- Catherine: What specialized courses did you take? 凯瑟琳:你学过哪些专业课程呢?
- A viewpoint of learning halieutics by catching fish is proposed to indicate that the points of emphasizing on basic courses and speciality courses are particularly different. 文章提出“以鱼学渔论”,指出基础课与专业课教改的“鱼”、“渔”侧重点之不同。
- A special course has been set up to train young hopefuls. 为了培训那些年轻的有望获得成功的人,特意设置了一门特殊的课程。
- Basic English is one of the main courses in English specialized courses. 基础英语是英语专业的主干课程。
- The teaching method adopted by CLA is the most effective.It was once applied to several prestigious Japanese and Korean enterprises and achieved ideal effects as expected. Special courses. 我们所采用的授课方法经过验证是极为行之有效的,曾被运用于多家日本及韩国的知名大型企业,均取得了预期中的理想效果。
- It is sure to take body-building in the speciality course of aerobics from the beginning to the end. 将形体训练惯穿于健美操专选课的始终,才能取得良好的教学效果。
- Specialized courses in quantitative analysis, often described as courses in "Sanitary Chemistry" . 有关定量分析的专门化课程常常在《环境卫生化学》课程中讲授。
- Indigenous early-aged infant lecturers from Europe and America, coupled with a complete list of specialized courses! 欧美早教本土化,课程专业丰富!
- Specialized courses in quantitative analysis are often described as courses in "Sanitary Chemistry". 有关定量分析的专门化课程常常在《环境卫生化学》课程中讲授。
- Before eating, want to use offerred soup water gargle to shame to you just can take this special course? 一道中国菜。吃之前要用提供的汤水漱口诟才能吃这道特别的菜?
- Celina is from Singapore and has been taking up specialized courses at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore. Celina是来自新加坡。在新加坡南洋美术学院专修金属工艺。
- For medical students, besides learning specialized courses well, it is also of great importance to learn English well. 作为一名医学生,除了要学好专业课外,英语也是非常重要的。
- To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality. 包饺子是他的拿手好戏。
- In the advanced level, all prosecutors have the option of attending a special course on malfeasance and corruption, which the Academy organises every two or three years. 所有参与高级培训课程的检察官均可选修训练学院每隔两、三年举办一次的,有关渎职及贪污行为的特别课程。
- Do you intend/require as the first also specialized courses for your teachers to get acquainced with that new technologies? So called training of trainers? 你们是否打算或者需要为教师安排专门的课程,让教师先熟悉新技术?教师是培训者也就是先对培训者进行培训?
- The wood that is used at making a kitchen allegedly is the dry treatment processing with special course, paint covering layer of the surface can be ligneous Maecenas. 据说用于打造厨房的木材都是经过非凡的干燥加工处理,表面的油漆保护层会是木质的保护者。
- The curriculum consists of basic general courses, basic disciplinary courses, specialized courses, , internship and practical training, and general electives. 课程体系由公共基础课、学科基础课、专业课、实践性教学环节及全校通修课构成。
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。
- His speciality is barbecued steaks. 烤牛排是他的拿手好菜。