- special learning disability 特殊性学习不能症
- The most common learning disability is dyslexia. 最常见的学习障碍是读写障碍。
- The growing interest also results from concerns that some children placed in special education programs do not truly have a learning disability. 在特殊教育项目中的孩子们不是真正的有无能力学习的障碍,不断增长的兴趣同样得到关注。
- Learning disability exists in the whole lifecycle of organization. 学习智障存在于企业生命周期的全过程。
- The English teacher at high school said young Chou had a learning disability. 高中英语老师说小周有学习方面的缺陷。
- His high school English teacher said young Chou had a learning disability. 高中英语老师说他有学习方面的缺陷。
- People with a learning disability may have trouble following directions. 有学习障碍的人可能有下列的倾向。
- Hermeneutics, gradually developed in the west, is special learning of researching into questions, provides a new scope for academic research. 摘要诠释学是在西方逐步发展起来的一门研究理解问题的学问,它为学术研究提供了一种全新的视野。
- Born a preemie on January 1, 1981, he overcame a learning disability and was mainstreamed into a regular classroom by the third grade. 1981年1月1日由于早产,他先天性无学习能力,但他克服了这个困难,直到三年级,麦克才进入正规的学校课堂教学。
- Specialized learning happens largely after the first degree. 许多真正的专门化学习发生在研究生层次。
- Experts say learning disabilities cannot be cured. 专家指出学习障碍不能治愈。
- A case study of an artistically gifted student with learning disability on the performance of WISC-III. 发表于台湾师大第五届华人心理与教育测验学术研讨会。
- A majority of these identified students were attention deficit caused by non-favourable family environment, mental disability or learning disability. 在被教师评估为注意力不集中或多动症的学生中 ,大多数是假性注意力障碍 ,即是由于不良家庭环境、智力落后或学习障碍引起的注意力不集中现象。
- Objective To Study characteristic cognizance and move ment and effect of cognizance-movement training in learning disability children . 目的 研究学习困难儿童运动、认知、师生关系、同学关系的特征 ,运用适宜技术训练学习困难儿童 ,以寻求改善学习困难儿童学习能力的有效措施 ,促进儿童身心健康成长。
- But Sheldon Hurwitz at the national setter (center)for learning disability says carefully dessighed (designed)practise can improve math skills. 但是在国际残疾研究中心的。。。说认真计划过的训练能够提案高数学技能。
- People who have unusual difficulty with reading, writing, listening or working with numbers might have a learning disability. 那些读、写、听、或从事与数字有关的事情时有特殊困难的人可能患有学习障碍。
- Given the ultimate aim of searching Tao and becoming Taoist, Laotse deeply explored object and methods of learning knowledge and understanding Tao ,produced a series of special learning concepts. 老子围绕“求道”与“为道”的终极目标,对学知悟道的客体与方法作了深层次辩证的思考,提出了一系列与众不同、思维独特的学习理念。
- Learning disability was reported in 17.7%, and mental retardation was present in 4.6%, both twice the rate expected for a normative population. 报道17.;7%25的患者有学习障碍,4
- They make up two thirds of students Iabeled "learning disabled". 在认为有“学习障碍”的学生中,他们占三分之三。
- Today we begin a series of reports about learning disabilities. 今天,我们开始一系列有关学习障碍的报道。