- Members of the special investigation group are few in number. 这个专门调查小组的成员为数不多。
- He was a special investigator for the FBI. 他是联邦调查局的特别调查员。
- I'm Special Investigative Agent Kessel... |我是特派员 基索...
- Lovitt's attorneys was Kenneth Starr, who led the special investigation into President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. 而洛维特的律师之一就是曾经在90年代领导了针对克林顿总统的特别调查的斯塔尔。
- In June, the Chief Executive asked the Director of Audit to carry out a special investigation into some tax cases handled personally by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue. 一九九九年六月,行政长官要求审计署署长就税务局局长亲自处理的税务个案进行特别调查。
- How could our Special Investigative Unit be so flagrantly partisan? 我们的特侦组何以如此惹人议论?
- In June,the Chief Executive asked the Director of Audit to carry out a special investigation into some tax cases handled personally by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue. 一九九九年六月,行政长官要求审计署署长就税务局局长亲自处理的税务个案进行特别调查。
- Funafuti market investors to shop special investigation revealed that three quarters of this year, according to the retail shops investment demand has reached 68% of the total. 据福纳市场咨询有限公司对商铺投资者的专项调研显示,截至今年三季度,本市商铺的散户投资需求已经达到总量的68%25。
- South Korea's Constitutional Court has ruled that a special investigation into financial fraud allegations against President-elect Lee Myung-bak can proceed. 南韩宪法法庭裁决说,对当选总统李明博涉嫌金融欺诈指控的特别调查可以进行。
- One CPPCC member of Heyuan city pointed out in a special investigation report, that mountain fires had frequented Heyuan city, since the year before last year. 河源市政协委员在一份专题调研报告中指出,从前年开始,河源市境内的山火就开始频频发生。
- This usually involves establishing special investigation units to prosecute fraudulent claims that arise downstream in the business process, at the time a suspicious claim is presented. 每当遇到可疑的赔偿申索时,保险公司便成立特别调查组,对在业务过程中出现的诈骗性索偿作出检举。
- Luo La Jolla, California-Maritza Gate University on the 29th released a special investigation report indicates that large U.S. urban residents own an average rate of just over 50% of the housing. 美国加州罗约拉-玛里门特大学29日公布的一项调查报告显示,美国大城市居民自己拥有住房的平均比率仅仅超过50%25。
- Stem from personages of pair of Silicon Valley science and technology to be cut into parts compensatory is curious, I made a special investigation, the answer is: The two pay to 3 months. 出于对硅谷科技人士被裁补偿的好奇,我做了一项专门调查,答案是:两到三个月的薪水。
- During 1997, the special investigative powers were used in a number of major investigations. 年内,警方曾在数宗重要调查中运用特殊的调查权力。
- During 1997,the special investigative powers were used in a number of major investigations. 年内,警方曾在数宗重要调查中运用特殊的调查权力。
- Questioned by the special investigators,he put the finger on the Attorney-General. 在特别调查员的审讯下,他把司法部长供了出来。
- China CBRC for calcium carbide and ferroalloy industries will also conduct special investigations of loans. 中国银监会还将对电石和铁合金行业的贷款情况进行专项调查。
- Fulbright cast the only vote in the Senate against giving McCarthy's special investigative subcommittee more money. 富布赖特在参议院投下了唯一一票,反对给麦卡锡的特别调查委员分会追加经费。
- In 2020, Suk is a special investigator dispatched to the border between China and a unified Korea. 在2020年,特别调查组队长尹淑,受命调查国防警察局长被绑架一案。
- As a special investigate system or measure, "allure to investigate " is limitedly applied among the criminal lawsuit of our country. “诱惑侦查”作为一项特殊的侦查制度或者措施正在有限制地应用于我国的刑事诉讼之中。