- These special goods are purchased by state monopoly. 这种特殊物资是由国家统购的。
- Customs duties have been reduced or exempted for special goods and equipment imported for the use of the handicapped. 残疾人专用的必须进口的物品和设备,减免进口关税。
- Period of supervision of special goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction will be specified by the Customs General Administration. 特定减免税进口货物的监管年限由海关总署规定。
- Even though Master could not join us, She made a point to send us Her special good wishes for an enjoyable retreat. 虽然师父无法亲自前来与我们共度打禅的时光,她仍祝福我们有个快乐的禅五。
- Technical stocks and special good forwarding company Efficiency, punctuality, professionalism and... 分类标题:货物国际公路运输|快递运输...
- I enjoyed the evening,but the meal wasn't specially good. 整个晚上我过得很高兴,但那顿饭不怎么样。
- I enjoyed the evening, but the meal wasn't specially good. 整个晚上我过得很高兴,但那顿饭不怎麽样。
- A lot of Vitamin C. is in Nerium oleander. The oleander has special good effect on insomnia. Besides, it can ease anxious and neurasthenia, and reduce weight as well. 风含丰富维生素C。对失眠具有奇效:可降低焦虑和神经衰弱亦可燃脂。
- At present there exist some problems in the development of tourist commodities in Fenghuang County, such as old-fashioned ideas, lack of local special goods and dim consciousness of brands, poor shopping environment. 目前凤凰县旅游商品开发中存在著观念落后、缺乏地方特色商品、品牌意识差、购物环境不够理想等问题。
- So the study of sporting market of rodeos is more deficient.Sporting match is special goods, and consumer must pay money for watch sport.So the ticket-price reflects a value of match. 体育竞赛表演市场中的体育赛事是一种特殊的商品,它以比赛的形式出现,消费者为获得观看比赛过程和结果的效应,而支付必要的钱财,门票的价格成为赛事价值的货币表现。
- As a special good, what the media sale to the advertiser is not the common attention of big number audience, but builds the audience as different demographic targets to make money by the format radios to meet the special needs of advertisers. 媒介出售给广告商以获取利润的特殊商品 ,已经不再简单地是“大数法则”所追求的尽量多的听众的共同兴趣和注意力 ,而是细化到通过细分的音乐类型电台所创造和推动不同趣味的流行文化 ,把具有相同人口学特征的听众紧密地聚集在一起 ,以满足广告商对于潜在目标消费者的需求并最终获取利润。
- Specially good effect antirust additive, can protect cooling system the metal does not get rusty effectively. 特效防锈添加剂,能够有效保护冷却系统中金属不生锈。
- Having a specially good effect for promoting Blood circulation to relieve pain, this salve is a traditional drug. 本膏药系传统伤药,活血止痛有特效。
- The remedial method of what specially good effect does the child's bronchopneumonia have? 小孩的支气管肺炎有什么特效的治疗方法吗?
- A specially good recipe within my family is the combination of fresh pineapple cubes with fruit mincemeat. 我家里的一个特殊秘方是新鲜菠萝丁加上百果馅。
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。
- Just as effective as acupuncture which we are using to treat you. But cupping therapy is specially good for pains. 就像我们治疗你的病用的针灸一样有效。但是拔火罐特别适合痛症。
- Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。
- I and they said that reveres the human to be specially good abundantly, please try to accept him. 我和他们说,博尊人特别好,请试着接受他。”
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。