- A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack. 坦克先遣队引导步兵进攻。
- The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign. 新上任的常务董事将在这场运动中挂帅。
- American troops formed the spearhead of the attack. 美军是这次进攻的先头部队。
- The country is ruled by a group of army officers. 该国被一个军官集团所统治。
- Hell hounds and cerberi are the spearhead of the inferno forces. 地狱猎犬和三首猎犬是地狱族部队的先头部队。
- The rigid discipline of army life. 部队生活中的严格的纪律。
- In Berlin a small number of army officers stood by. 在柏林,一些军官准备行动。
- spearhead of army 前锋
- This small country is governed by a group of army officers. 这个小国家由一群军官统治着。
- You may need a whole division of army to get the trees! 或许你需要一整师的军队才能带得走这些树喔!
- Guinea-Bissau has a long history of army mutinies and coups. 几内亚比绍军队叛乱和军事政变历史悠久。
- On the evening of April 11, after advancing some sixty miles since daybreak, a spearhead of the U.S. Ninth Army reached the Elbe River near Magdeburg, and on the next day threw a bridgehead over it. 美国第九集团军先头部队4月11日破晓以来挺进了大约六十英里,晚上到达马格德堡附近的易北河岸,第二天就在河岸建立了桥头堡。
- On the evening of April 11, after advancing some sixty miles since daybreak, a spearhead of the U.S.Ninth Army reached the Elbe River near Magdeburg, and on the next day threw a bridgehead over it. 美国第九集团军先头部队4月11日破晓以来挺进了大约六十英里,晚上到达马格德堡附近的易北河岸,第二天就在河岸建立了桥头堡。
- He heard the tread of armies marshaling for war. 他听到被围困的城中妇孺的啼饥声。
- It would become the spearhead of a growing southern liberal movement in the 1920's and 1930's. 它将成为二十年代和三十年代不断成长的南方自由主义运动的先声。
- There was heavy traffic of army trucks and personal vehicles. 军用卡车和运送兵员的车辆川流不息。
- "Diana was the spearhead of the American invasion of Britain, the celebrity culture," says Houston. 有关戴安娜的报道成为美国名人文化打进英国的第一炮。
- The spearhead of the criticism is directed at the reason which is the core sense in modern. 所有这些批判、探索,无疑对反思我国体育教育中存在的弊端有积极意义,同时,对学校体育教学也产生了负面的影响。
- "Diana was the spearhead of the American invasion of Britain,the celebrity culture," says Houston. 有关戴安娜的报道成为美国名人文化打进英国的第一炮。