- Maybe you can also pound on a joypad, press on a touch screen, or even speak into a microphone. 当你工作或玩乐时,电脑将提供帮助或只是一个的友善的伙伴。
- You speak into a microphone, load the recordings in the computer, add kooky sound effects and sync the voice to animations that come with the software. 你对着麦克风说一段话,然后将录音装入电脑,添加一些奇特的声音,再和软件附带的一些动画搭配起来。
- She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone. 当她对着扩音器讲话时,她的声音嘟嘟响。
- To speak into a microphone in a studio is a private pleasure,because you do not think of an audience. You think of two of three gathered together. You picture the family by the fire,the student lighting and relighting his pipe. 在录音室里对着话筒讲话,是自得其乐,因为你不会想到观众,只想到两三个人的聚会;想到围坐在炉火旁的一家人,一个不断点烟斗的学者。
- To speak into a microphone in a studio is a private pleasure, because you do not think of an audience. You think of two of three gathered together. You picture the family by the fire, the student lighting and relighting his pipe. 在录音室里对着话筒讲话,是自得其乐,因为你不会想到观众,只想到两三个人的聚会;想到围坐在炉火旁的一家人,一个不断点烟斗的学者。
- Think about how you interact with your computer now.You can type on a keyboard or click a mouse.Maybe you can also pound on a joypad, press on a touch screen, or even speak into a microphone. 但它可能花上数年的时间在你有一部当你无聊时会回应你一个笑话,或者当你解决一个数学问题而感到挫败时,会鼓励你和给你暗示的电脑之前。
- He is talking into a microphone. 他正在对着麦克风讲话。
- speak into a microphone 对着话筒讲话
- The Name +10 attraction even allows fans to speak their name into a microphone, which then appears on the soundtrack of the advert. “+10”游戏甚至允许球迷们在麦克风中输入自己的名字,然后该球迷名字将出现在广告中。
- Users looked at a screen and dictated into a microphone, which was connected to a typist( the wizard) in another room. 用户看着一个屏幕,然后对着麦克风发出指令,麦克风连着另一个房间的打字员。
- His answers instantly were translated into a microphone and beamed to more than a dozen reporters' earphones as flashbulbs popped endlessly. 他的回答立即被翻译,并通过麦克风传送到一群人的耳机里,正如闪光灯永不停息地闪动一样。
- For example if a speaker is plugged into a microphone jack, the computer simply reconfigures the jack to work as a speaker jack. 举例来说,如果一位发言者是插入到麦克风插孔,计算机只要会将杰克工作,作为议长杰克。
- The interviewer asked her to speak into the microphone. 采访者让她对着麦克风说话。
- She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm. 她冲出屋子走进了狂卷着的暴风雪中。
- His lips contorted into a grimace. 他的嘴唇歪扭成怪相。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- The old wove what he said into a complicated story. 那位老人把他说的编成了一个复杂的故事。
- He banged into a telephone booth and hurt his leg. 他撞在了一个电话亭上,伤了腿。
- He lectured into a microphone. 他通过麦克风讲课。
- He has grown into a young man of twenty-two. 他已成长为22岁的青年了。