- Objective:To develop the real time analysis system of human motion. 目的:研制人体运动图像实时分析系统。
- Has the spatial time in the friend did not forget often to come back has a look, because I was friend's towerman number! 在朋友有空的时候别忘了常回来看看,因为我是朋友的守望者号!加个好友吧!
- Is creating this plan each kind encircles gathers spatial time,vigorously pursues the influence space which as desired producespositively, the harmonious superposition. 在创造该方案的各种围合空间的时候,极力追求其产生的影响空间积极、和谐的重合。
- Finally, we analysed the application of microfluid DPIV technology in oil contamination on time analysis ststem, and achieved the expectant results. 最后,本文将微流体DPIV技术应用于油液污染实时分析系统中,取得了预期的结果。
- ACEX10K is used as hardware device in the design, and Maxplus2 is used as software to edit VHDL file, compile, execute function simulation, time analysis and mapping. 设计使用了ACEX10K器件,采用EDA设计软件Maxplus2进行了VHDL编写、编译、功能仿真、时间分析和最后的硬件映射。
- Albrecht T,Blomley MJK,Cosgrove DO,et al.Non-invasive diagnosis of hepatic cirrhosis by transit time analysis of an ultrasound contrast agent.Lancet,1999,353:1579-1583. 刘平高云华等.;声学造影对早期肝纤维化诊断的实验研究[J]
- The application of MATLAB is described in mechanical control engineering basis teaching using concrete examples of time analysis and frequency analysis in a contrasting way. 以时域分析和频域分析中的具体实例,通过对比的手法,说明了MATLAB在机械控制工程基础教学中的应用。
- Understanding of the concept of timing. Able to perform static timing analysis. 具备时序概念,能进行静态时序分析。
- spatial time frequency distribution 空间时频分布
- We also trid to apply the new timing analysis method to X-ray binaries. 并探索了新的时变分析方法在X射线双星中的应用。
- Wire wrap large white pearls with BRIGHT silver wire. Please make timing analysis as your work them. 电线包银白色珍珠与光明电线.;请你们为你们的工作时间分析它们
- Profiler - the profiler is a hierarchal time analysis toolkit that allows specific portions of the game to be timed - useful for finding performance bottlenecks. 性能记录-性能统计模块可以指定游戏哪一部分需要进行性能记录,对于发现游戏的瓶颈非常有用。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- The verification includes RTL simulation, gate level simulation and static timing analysis. 验证工作包括RTL级仿真、门级仿真和静态时序分析。
- He will come on time even though it rains. 即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- Box, G.E.P., and Jenkins, G.M., Times Analysis, Forecasting and Control, Holden-Dag. 王拯龙,时间序列分析,中国统计出版社。
- The result showed that the resting heart rate is low,HRV timely analysis indexes rose significant... 运动员经过长期运动,心脏功能会表现出反应和适应。