- sparse planting culture 疏植栽培
- The history of Huaihua's rice planting culture is long and deeply. 怀化稻作文化历史悠久、底蕴深厚;
- Role and possible mechanism of AgNO3 in plant culture in vitro.Plant Physiology Communications,33(5):376-379. AgNO3 在植物离体培养中的作用及可能的机制.;植物生理通讯;33(5):376-379
- Conclusion DMEM medium is recommended the planting culture for lens epithelial cells.The growth of the cells was not related to glucose amounts in the medium. 电镜观察可见细胞内微丝丰富,高尔基体发达,溶酶体多少不等,粗面内质网丰富和线粒体少。
- In the present work,plant culture experiment and karyotype analysis of the plants from Yanziya (alt.2 100 m) located at Shennongjia mount are carried out. 笔者对产自神农架燕子垭的萱草属植株进行了栽培实验和核型分析。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- Reason and Control of Seedling Death under Sparse Planting of Rice Seedlings Raised on Upland in Guizhou 贵州水稻旱育稀植秧苗死苗原因及防治方法
- Test on dense planting culture of early fruit walnuts 早实核桃密植栽培试验
- The television coverage of the event was rather sparse. 电视上对这件事报道很少。
- There is evidence that unemployment is becoming a deeply planted cultural phenomenon,not to say a way of life. 在迹象表明,失业虽说不上是一种生活方式,但正在变成一种根深蒂固的文化现象。
- The plant converts crude oil into gasoline. 这家工厂将原油加工成汽油。
- There is evidence that unemployment is becoming a deeply planted cultural phenomenon, not to say a way of life. 在迹象表明,失业虽说不上是一种生活方式,但正在变成一种根深蒂固的文化现象。
- Now ordinary repairs can be handled in our plant. 现在一般的修理工作都可在我们厂进行了。
- Plant need water the way they need sun light. 植物需要水就像它们需要阳光一样。
- She went in to fix the sparse evening meal. 她走进屋去准备简单的晚餐。
- The soldiers blew up the enemy power plant. 士兵们炸毁了敌人的发电厂。
- They always spar over trivial matters. 他们总是为一些小事而争吵。
- A ring or collar of rope used to hoist spars or prevent fraying. 索环一环或一圈绳子,用来升起桅杆或防止磨损
- The gardener tore up the plant, root and all. 园丁把园中的花草树木连根全挖了出来。
- The indigo plant or the blue dye obtained from it. 假蓝靛靛蓝植物或从这种植物中提取的蓝色染料