- The design documents including the information of product manufacturing and spare parts and components ordering. 设计文件,包括有关产品生产或备品备件订购资料
- The stage shall include the delivery of test-bed and all spare parts and components. 该阶段包括试验台和备品备件全部交货。
- Information about light and training aircraft, helicopters, gliders, spare parts and components, radio-communication equipment. 将提供关于轻型飞机;教练机;直升飞机;滑翔机;飞机零配件及无线电通讯设备等信息.
- The delivery plan for spare parts and components made in accordance with product manufacture plan and the quality guarantee plan for the volume-produced carriages. 根据产品生产计划和批量车保修期计划所定的备品备件交货日期计划;
- The manufacture of products and spare parts including out-sourcing parts and components, manufacturing control plan, and the records relevant to production and product quality. 产品和产品部件的生产,包括外购部件、控制计划、与生产和质量相关的记录;
- Recommended Spare Parts and Components Product In Coach Industry 客车零部件精品推荐
- Markings for spare parts and fluids. 备用零件和润滑油记号。
- Refined Management for Spare Parts and Components Enterprises 以客户为导向推进汽车零配件企业精细化管理
- Driving Axle Spare Parts and Components Confer ence Held 车辆驱动桥配套产业链工作会议在西安召开
- Correctly position spare part and record. 正确放置备件并作记录。
- The total weight and volume of all spare parts and components; 全部备品备件的重量和体积;
- The list of suppliers of spare parts and components; 备品备件的供应商清单;
- List of spare parts and components in solving special malfunctions; 为解决特殊故障所需的备品备件清单;
- They assemble the parts and components into a car. 他们把零部件装配成一辆汽车。
- List of spare parts and components used in maintenance work; 用于维修工作的备品备件清单;
- Brand new motor vehicles, genuine spare parts and accessories. 毛里求斯求购发动机及配件。
- Tax and duty exemption of imported spare parts and supplies. 免除进口零部件的关税。
- Spare Parts management, keep adequate spare parts and consumable. 备品备件管理,保证有足够的备品备件。
- This machine is assembled by quadruplet spare parts and become. 这架机器由四组零件组装而成。
- We can assemble the supply parts and components into color tv set. 我们可以把提供的零部件装配成彩色电视机。