- He had twelve phone calls in the space of an hour. 他在一小时内接了十二通电话。
- A short space of time; a moment. 瞬间短暂的时间跨度; 一会儿
- spaces of Fontana 方泰纳腔
- Typewriter spaces of 12 characters to the inch. 一英寸12个字符的打字机规定间距。
- He have twelve phone call in the space of an hour. 他在一小时内接了十二通电话。
- We were separated by a space of ten feet. 我们相距十英尺.
- space of Fontana 丰塔纳间隙
- I had twelve phone calls in the space of an hour. 我在一小时接了12只电话。
- He has twelve phone call in the space of an hour. 他在一小时内接了十二通电话。
- I can't do it in so short a space of time. 我无法在那样短的时间内完成那件事。
- Forty-four people died in the space of five days. 五天里死了四十四个人。
- Leave a space of two weeks between appointments. 每次约见要间隔两个星期。
- This space of emplacement was opened up by Galileo. 这种确定位置的空间被伽利略打破。
- They had achieved a lot in a short space of time. 他们在短时间内取得了很大的成绩。
- Rufete's thunderous shot from the distance whizzes wide of Fontana's right-hand post. 对方闪电般的[--...]射门掠过丰塔那右手飞出...
- Two elections were held within the space of a year. 在一年的时间之内举行了两次选举。
- Between the two trees there is a space of the feet. 两者之间多用。
- Without You, Im lost in the space of uncertainty. 若没有您,我将迷失在缥缈虚空中。
- An almost imperceptible space of time. 瞬间,顷刻几乎觉察不到的时间段
- The top surface in an enclosed space of a ship. 顶板密闭的船舱的顶层。