- To meet the demand of Spaceborne SAR system development, IECAS has developed SSARES that is used for SAR ground test. 摘要结合我国星载SAR系统的研制,中国科学院电子所成功研制出地面测试用的高精度星载合成孔径雷达目标回波信号模拟源(SSARES)。
- For spaceborne SAR system with large squint angle, the main error source of classical range| Doppler algorithm is analyzed which causes the loss in image quality. 分析了当天线斜视角增大时,导致传统距离-普勒成像算法性能下降的主要误差来源。
- Based on the limitation of formation of parasitic spaceborne SAR system,this paper studies application of coarray in anti-jamming technique for ultra sparse arrays. 针对寄生式星载SAR系统抗干扰时编队构形的限制,研究了优化阵列在超稀疏构形抗干扰中的应用。
- For spaceborne SAR system with large squint angle, the main error source of classical range-Doppler algorithm is analyzed which causes the loss in image quality. 分析了当天线斜视角增大时,导致传统距离-多普勒成像算法性能下降的主要误差来源。
- The simulation results show that the ambiguity is depressed while the beamwidth and the side lobe level are well controlled via this method, which is quite helpful to spaceborne SAR system designing. 仿真结果表明,这种方法很好地抑制了模糊度,同时控制了主瓣宽度和副瓣电平,对星载SAR系统设计具有实际意义。
- Antenna Pattern Synthesis for Ambiguity Depressing in Spaceborne SAR Systems Based on Genetic Algorithms 基于遗传算法的星载合成孔径雷达天线方向图与模糊综合
- spaceborne SAR systems 星载SAR系统
- Discussion on Designing Spaceborne SAR system with Dawn Parallel Processing System 用曙光并行机辅助星载SAR系统中一些问题的设计
- SSARES is a very effective test approach for Spaceborne SAR. SSARES为星载SAR系统的研制提供了一种行之有效的测试手段。
- With the development of spaceborne and airborne SAR systems, the SAR application technique has been provided with abundant data sources. 机载SAR系统的逐渐增多为SAR技术的发展提供了丰富的数据源。
- In order to analyze imaging problems in spaceborne bistatic SAR system, it is important to establish a relevant radar echo model. 摘要为了研究星载双基地SAR系统成像的相关问题,必须先建立其回波信号模型。
- High resolution spaceborne SAR gives new challenge to radiometric calibration. 高分辨率星载SAR技术的发展,对辐射定标提出了新的挑战。
- The responsive deception for spaceborne SAR is studied and improved. 分析了对星载SAR的应答式欺骗干扰,并对其进行了改进。
- To analyse ambiguities of spaceborne parasitic SAR system, a calculational method of ambiguities has been proposed using the geometry of spaceborne parasitic SAR system. 摘要针对主星带伴随微小卫星编队SAR系统的模糊性问题,利用主星带伴随微小卫星编队SAR系统的空间几何关系,提出了一种该系统模糊度的工程计算方法。
- Besides the crosstalk and channel imbalance f of SAR system, calibration of the spaceborne Polarimetric SAR(PolSAR) also needs to consider the correction of Faraday rotation . 星载极化SAR定标时除了考虑雷达系统本身的交叉耦合 和通道不平衡 系统失真参数的校正外还需要考虑法拉第旋转角 的校正问题。
- In the process of designing a spaceborne polarimetric SAR system it is required to restrain the system ambiguity and improve the image quality effectively. 现有的多极化SAR系统极化时分工作方式虽然简单易行,但在高轨道星载条件下系统的距离模糊问题变得十分严重。
- Based on these, an echo model of spaceborne bistatic SAR system for image processing is established.Through simulation, the error of range model is analyzed. 通过仿真计算分析了信号模型中距离模型的误差,结果表明,误差对成像的影响完全在可接受的范围以内。
- The distributed satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an innovative SAR system brought forward recently, and the spaceborne parasitic SAR system is hotspot of research now. 分布式星载SAR系统具有单星SAR系统不可替代的优异性能,是近几年国际上的研究方向,主星带伴随小卫星SAR系统是其中的热点之一。
- In spotlight SAR system design, PRF selection is very important. 摘要在聚束式合成孔径雷达系统设计中,脉冲重复频率PRF的选择至关重要。
- Secondly, the relation between high resolution spaceborne SAR radiometric calibration and SMP is discussed. 其次,讨论了高分辨率星载SAR辐射定标与卫星运动参数的关联技术。