- His blue eyes were boring into space like a powerful electric ray. 他那对蓝眼睛象一股强烈的电光掠过空间。
- Instead it continues to suffuse interstellar space like a gas. 它反倒是像气体那样,依然弥漫于星际之间。
- Leading a meeting is like directing a movie. 办一个会议就像拍一部电影。
- That’s why an event like Direction ’08 Bobst Folding Carton Open House is so important to a company like Bobst. 这就是为什么像一个事件博斯特方向'08彩盒开放是非常重要的这样的公司博斯特。
- Like direct printing from digital cameras, long format printing for banners, e-mail printing and secure printing. 如从数码相机直接打印,横幅打印,电子邮件打印和机密打印等。
- Playing Chinese chess is just like directing military operations. 下象棋就像指挥军队作战。
- Playing Weiqi is just like directing military operations. 下围棋有如指挥军队作战。
- If your water heater is in an unheated space like an unfinished basement, wrap it in an insulation blanket available at hardware stores to prevent heat loss. 如果你的热水器放在不加热区域,比如未完工的地下室,那么到五金店去买个隔热衬垫把它包起来以阻止热量的流失。
- The TGS host their client website by providing good facilities like direct contact with professionals, regular maintenance etc. 作出一个好的选择在这里选择 最好的网络设计和最佳网页设计公司。
- And because of deep roots set up by UW missions, other Special Forces tactics, like Direct Action or Special Reconnaissance, can be launched quickly and seamlessly. 而其他特种部队战术,象直接行动或特种侦察,有了非常规战的扎实基础,所以能够迅速并滴水不漏地执行。
- The National Aerospace Plane program,created to design a supersonic jet that could fly payloads into space like the shuttle and also be used as a bomber to reach destinations around the world in a couple of hours,was scrapped in 1994. “国家航空航天器”项目开始于1994年,目的是设计一种超音速喷气机,能够像航天飞机一样把负载运送到太空,还可以用作轰炸机,在数小时内到达世界上任何指定地点。
- I liked direct contact with citizens, and I trusted their unfiltered judgment. 我喜欢直接与市民打交道,我相信他们未经过影响的判断力。
- To improve reliability and raise effectiveness of radio beacon equipment,improvement scheme adopting advanced techniques like Direct Digital Drive,DGPS and merge net is discussed. 为有效增加无线电信标机的可靠性、提高效能,探讨了采用直接数字驱动、DGPS、并机网络等技术对无线电信标机进行改进的方案,可作为中波导航系统改进参考。
- The National Aerospace Plane program,created to design a supersonic jet that could fly payloads into space like the shuttle and also be used as a bomber to reach destinations around the world in a couple of hours,was scrapped in1994. "国家航空航天器"项目开始于1994年,目的是设计一种超音速喷气机,能够像航天飞机一样把负载运送到太空,还可以用作轰炸机,在数小时内到达世界上任何指定地点。
- The National Aerospace Plane program, created to design a supersonic jet that could fly payloads into space like the shuttle and also be used as a bomber to reach destinations around the world in a couple of hours, was scrapped in1994. "国家航空航天器"项目开始于1994年,目的是设计一种超音速喷气机,能够像航天飞机一样把负载运送到太空,还可以用作轰炸机,在数小时内到达世界上任何指定地点。
- But the intention and likely direction of change are clear: focus on the institutions, and offer non-constitutional concessions as sweeteners. ,但是进行改革的意图和大致方向还是清楚的:重点放在机构改革,在一些有违背宪法的问题上可以做出一些妥协。
- Bright colors work well in active spaces like recreation rooms, sun porches and children's rooms. 鲜艳的色彩常常用在活跃的空间,像娱乐场所,门廊和儿童房。
- Furthermore, taildragger planes are generally easier for ground personnel to maneuver around in confined spaces like a hangar. 同时,后三点起落架的飞机,更便于地勤人员把飞机拖到停机棚等窄小的空间里。
- Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people.Libras like large, open spaces like halls and stadiums. 天秤座的人喜欢大型、开放的场所,如会堂和露天大型运动场。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。