- space imagination power 空间想象力
- His imaginative power came into play. 他的想象力开始起了作用。
- You are commended for fine imaginative power. 你被称赞具有出众的想像力。
- The mind of the storyteller has great imaginative powers. 讲故事人的头脑极富想像力。
- What is it saying about imaginative power in the hands of children? 掌握在孩子们手中的想象的力量又是什么呢?
- Perhaps the woman has taste Xue Fu five cars, but it will not show off his full by the theory of her own intellect and imaginative power for life, to create their own space. 有味道的女人也许学富五车、才高八斗,但决不卖弄自己的满腹经论,她把自己的聪慧和才思用于生活中,去创造自己喜欢的空间。
- Imaginative power of discrimination is not one of the most terrible thing. 有想象力而没有鉴别力是世上最可怕的事。
- A world of beings traveling through time and space imaginable to us only as flights of fancy. )一个世界的人穿梭在实践和空间中,这种飞行只会在我们的科幻小说中想象出。
- The child is naturally the chastest existence, their life fills the vitality, their imagination powerful , their creation is unprecedented, what is the world in their eyes ? 儿童是自然最纯洁无暇的存在,他们的生活充满朝气,他们的想象天马行空,他们的创作史无前例,他们眼中的世界又是怎样的呢?
- Indeed it is the pathods of their endeavour which fascinates him, and which gives his books their imaginative power. 实际上使他陶醉的,正是这些人在事业上哀怨,而这些东西使他的著作有了感染力。
- On Developing Student's Space Imagination in Drawing Teaching 制图教学中学生空间想象力的培养
- Indeed it is the pathos of their endeavour which fascinates him, and which gives his books their imaginative power. 实际上使他陶醉的正是这些人在事业上哀怨,而这些东西使他的著作有了感染力。
- Person has the imaginative power and creativeness , this is successful person strength springhead! 人有想像力和创造性,这是人成功的力量泉源!
- The article discusses the teacher how training student s imaginative power,to creative comprehend“blank”in the book. 文章论述了教师如何训练学生的想象力,利用再创造去理解书中的“空白”。
- The Muggle world in the early novels in the series appears to be afraid of imaginative power and refuses to believe in its possibilities. 小说的开头里的麻瓜世界里,人们看起来害怕那种想象力的力量并且拒绝去相信它们的存在。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 这里有很大的活动空间。
- We're a bit cramped for space in this attic. 在这间阁楼里我们有点活动不开。
- There isn't much space left for your luggage. 剩下的地方不太够你放行李的。