- Beancurd Sheets; Vegetarian Chicken ,fish,and meat. Soybean Products. 豆皮.;素鸡
- Sufu and lobster sauce are Chinese traditional fermented soybean products, which are fermented by microorganisms. 腐乳和豆豉是中国的传统发酵豆制品,它们都是大豆经微生物发酵酿制的产品。
- BRAUDE G L.Cadmium and lead content of soybean products [J].J Food Sci, 1980,45:1187. 贺建群;杨居荣;许嘉琳;等.;重金属及其交互作用对小麦幼苗中金属含量的影响[J]
- The incentives for expansion of soybean production are great. 这对提高大豆生产是很大的鼓励。
- Processing and utilizing of soybean includes traditional soybean products and new soybean products in our country. 我国大豆的加工利用可分为传统大豆制品和新兴大豆制品两大类。
- The Strategy to Develop Nei Mongol's Soybean Production. 发展内蒙古豆生产的对策建议。
- Priority will be given to the development of dairy and soybean products and the food processing industry, so as to further improve the food quality for the entire Chinese people. 重点发展奶类产业、大豆产业和食品加工业,让走向富裕的中国人吃得更有营养。
- Guocui''''s biologically and Biochemically processed soybean products satisfy both the China''''s National Food and Drug requirements (GMP) and the American FDA''''s standard. 本工程项目产品的制造,运用了微生物工程学、蛋白质工程学、食品工程学、人体细胞工程学等学科的前沿理论,综合系统工程学原理设计了技术密集型工艺路线。
- Soymilk is a soybean product rich in nutrients.However, during heating treatment of soymilk the conversion between isoflavone isomers may decrease its biological activity. 豆浆为营养价值高的大豆制品之一,但制程中因加热步骤易造成异黄酮素含量减少及异构物间的转化,而降低生理活性。
- Not only that, soybean production is down from last year's record high. 不仅如此,黄豆产量也比去年的最高记录产量有所下降。
- Through repeated experimentation and comparison, this method could determine trypsin inhibitor activities quickly and accurately in the soybean product. 并通过反复的实验对比,最终可以快速准确地测定大豆制品中胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性。
- Sufu is a traditional fermented soybean product originating in China with abundant protein content, a spreadablecreamy consistency and a typical flavour. 腐乳是我国独具民族特色的大豆发酵食品,具有独特的风味,蛋白质含量极其丰富,是一种质构颇似软干酪的植物蛋白食品。
- Lunan's largest soybean production base in North City Town soybean products wholesale market first. 鲁南最大的豆制品生产基地城头镇豆制品批发市场北首。
- Lu Liangshu, head of the National Food and Nutrition Consulting Committee, said the Chinese people's consumption of such quality foodstuffs as dairy and soybean products is obviously inadequate. 国家食物与营养咨询委员会主任卢良恕举例说,中国人对奶类、大豆等优质食物消费明显不足。
- Using small and medium-sized test units, we inquire into the practicality and economy of pre-treatina the yellow hogwash yielded during the production of the soybean products. 采用小型和中型试验装置利用酵母菌对豆制品生产中产生的黄泔水进行预处理,对其实用性和经济性进行了探讨。
- The main application of various products sterilization and packaging various dairy products, meat products, soybean products, egg products and beverage products. LP manufactures sterilization. 本产品主要适用各种肉制品的包装杀菌及各种奶制品、豆制品、蛋制品、饮料制品、罐制品的杀菌。
- Hazards of soybean continous planting are existent key problem of soybean production. 大豆重茬造成的危害,一直是大豆生产中的主要问题。
- More land has been diverted to soybean production to meet the increasing demands for the crop. 许多农田已改种大豆,以满足对这种作物日益增长的需要。
- It was hopeful to improve the yield of GABA in fermented soybean products by screening novel microbial strains,which supplied a new prospective pathway to obtain GABA from fermented so... 指出通过筛选不同的微生物菌株,可望实现发酵豆制品高产GABA,为发酵豆制品成为获得GABA的新资源提供了新的思路。
- As for soybean productivity,the nugget was relatively big,and accounts for 41.3% of the sill. 大豆现实生产力的块金值较大;占基台值的41.;3%25;表明对于大豆而言;人为控制因素的作用更显著;