- The output region must not overlap with the source region. 输出区域和源区域必须没有任何重叠。
- Ecological Destruction in the Source Region of the Huanghe River and Countermeasures. 黄河源区生态破坏现状及保护对策。
- In the third part, the concrete problems about ecological environment in the source region of the two rivers in Altai Mountain are pointed out. 第三部分具体指出了阿尔泰山两河源区现存的各种生态环境问题。
- Desertification of various degrees have been happening in the source region of Yangtze River. 长江源区存在不同程度的沙化现象,沙地种类多样,分布广泛。
- In geotectonics and metallogeny, a preliminary study was performed on the type of source region for. 以湖南及邻区为例,对黄金成矿学及成矿区域预测进行初步分析。
- In addition, the paper submits the suitable forum that exploring ground water at urban focus source region at supply. 指出了城镇集中供水水源地地下水开采的主要适用形式。
- In the second part, the author describes the natural environment and economic conditions of source region of the two rivers in Altai Mountain. 第二部分具体阐述了阿尔泰山两河源区的自然生态环境、社会经济状况。
- Which of the following are likely hazards brought to Changjiang due to melting of glaciers and permafrost in the source region (Qinxang Gaoyuan)? 下列哪几项是长江源头区(青藏高原)因冰川、冻土融化而可能给长江带来的祸害?
- These findings imply that the zircons were once plentiful and came from a widespread source region, possibly a continental landmass. 这些发现暗示,锆石的数量曾经很丰富,而且源自一片分布很广的地区,例如一个大陆陆块。
- Basically knew the EP-3 similar newest launch source region scope and the power size, different distance of target intercepted of different physics characteristic. 从根本上知道了EP-3相似的最新搜集信号源的范围及能量范围,和在不同距离上截取物理上不同特性目标的能力。
- It is, therefore, of great urgency protect the eco-environment of the source region of the Huanghe River by means of setting up a special ecological function reserve. 因此,保护黄河源区生态环境、建立黄河源头特殊生态功能保护区已刻不容缓。
- Widely spread grassland, specific alpine wetland and endemic biodiversity are main natural biological resources in the source region of Changjiang-Yellow Rivers. 广袤的草地、特有的高寒湿地以及丰富而有又独特的生物多样性是江河源区重要的自然生物资源。
- Finally, according to the concrete problems, the corresponding strategies are proposed to make the source region of the two rivers in Altai Mountain sustainable development. 第六部分为两河源区的生态环境可持续发展的途径提出了思路和对策。
- Here we present three-dimensional numerical dynamo simulations that model the dynamo source region as a convecting thin shell surrounding a stably stratified fluid interior. 对产生这些磁场的流体动力体系所做的一个新的数值模拟表明,磁场形态可能是行星内部结构的一个直接结果。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- The sub-keV X-ray spectrum from source region and implosion region were measured by two sub-keV X-ray energy spectrometers respectively through laser incidence hole and diagnostic hole. 在激光入射口及内爆腔诊断口用两台亚千电子伏特X射线能谱仪监测源区与内爆区发射的X光谱。
- The ecological environment in the source region of two rivers in Altai Mountain has seriously deteriorated because of the excessive exploitation of natural resources and global climate change. 由于人类对自然资源的不合理开发利用,以及自然环境的演变,阿尔泰山两河源区的生态环境出现了比较严重的退化。
- The source regions of the Yellow River are crucial water resources in China and the important part of China's Watertower. 摘要黄河源头区是我国重要的水源涵养地区,是“中华水塔”的重要组成部分。
- So far, most the research suggest that the source of NLIW is in the Luzon Strait, but, there is definitive conclusion on the exact location of the source regions. 目前,大多数研究的结果皆显示南海北部非线性内波起源于南海东缘的吕宋海峡区域,但是没有明确的结论。
- My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。