- The decision sounded the knell of our hopes. 这项决议宣告我们的希望落空。
- It sounded the knell of all her hopes. 那事听起来就像是给她的一切希望敲起了丧钟.
- Their refusal rang the knell of our hopes. 他们的拒绝是我们希望破灭的凶兆。
- It sounded the (death-)knell of all her hopes. 那事听起来就像是给她的一切希望敲起了丧钟。
- The smell of coin is often the knell of friendship. 铜臭味浓往往是友谊的不祥之兆。
- sound the knell ofvt. 给 ... 敲丧钟(宣告 ... 的死亡)
- Those who sound the death knell of market capitalism are therefore mistaken. 当这些条件缺失时,市场就失灵了;
- sound the knell of something sound the death knell 或 the death-knell of something
- The arrival of large supermarkets has sounded the death knell of the local shop. 大型超市的落成宣告了当地小店的末日。
- The national independence movement sounded the death knell of colonialism. 民族独立运动敲响了殖民主义的丧钟。
- We all mourned at the death knell of Tom. 我们听到汤姆的丧钟的时候都很悲伤。
- The price of cereals and the price of calves at the present moment has virtually sounded the death knell of barley beef production. 日前的谷物价格和牛犊价格实际上已经敲响了用大麦生产牛肉的丧钟。
- By telling the story of a grand feudal family from prosperity to destitution, the novel sounded the death knell of the feudal society. 以描写显赫封建望族的兴荣衰败,敲响了中国封建社会的丧钟。
- The arrival of large supermarkets sounded the death knell of many small local shops. 大型超市的出现宣告了许多地方小商店的终结。
- I'll sound the manager on the question of holidays. 我将就假日问题试探经理的意见。
- I hate to say it but the Permatang Pauh victory by PKR probably sounded the death knell of all the BN parties and the BN. 老实说公正党在峇东埔的胜利敲响了国阵所有阵营党派的丧钟。
- Let's Sound the Death Knell of Bureaucracy 让我们敲响官僚主义的丧钟
- "The nun is dead," said he."There is the knell. “那嬷嬷死了,”他说,“这是报丧的钟。”
- In case of emergency,please sound the alarm. 万一发生紧急情况,请拉响警报。
- This day is also likely to stand, the newspaper might have added, as the day which sounded the death knell of imperialism in Asia. 其实,这家报纸还可以再补充一句说,这一天也很有可能作为在亚洲敲响帝国主义丧钟的日子而载入史册。