- sorting code number 分类编码
- Clarkson gave his account number and sort code and hinted at his address. 克拉克森了他的帐户号码和分类代码,并暗示在他的地址。
- Please stamp the code numbers on. 请把代号上或打上。
- Tap your code number into the machine. 把你的密码数字输入机器。
- Is the code number for the specified data type. 所指定的数据类型的代码号。
- Is this the code number of the receiver? 这是对方的传真号吗?
- Could you help me put on the code number of our company, please? 请你帮我把我们公司的传真号加上。
- The following table contains the meaning of each code number. 下表包含每个代码号的意思。
- Please remember your code number and keep it secret. 请记住您的密码,并且保密。
- Their code numbers are prefixed with US. 他们的代码前加上了字母 US。
- Code numbers on the cargo of wine jars ( amphorae). 在酒罐(双耳陶罐)上标出的标本编号。
- NOTE: When ordering, specify Ordering Code Number, Kit Number and Valve Size. 注:订购时,请指明订购编号,组建编号和阀门通径。
- When ordering, specify Ordering Code Number, Kit number and Valve Size. 订购时,请指定订购编码,组件编号和阀门通径。
- Discusses the design and realization of product quality data management system based on sort coding and ORACLE database, and also analyses the whole way of the system. 讨论了基于ORACLE数据库,采用分类编码体系的产品质量数据管理系统的设计与实施,对实现方法做了全面的论述。
- And shall I put on the code number of this hotel in case they want to send you a fax? 用不用添上酒店的传真号码,万一他们给您发传真呢?
- The function digits 14 to 17 give a code number for the instruction to be carried out. 操作位14到17给出待执行的指令的代码。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- It displays an eight digit code number which changes every sixty seconds and is used in conjunction with a unique PIN number to ensure the authentication of a user. 它显示每60秒改变一次的8位数字代码,并与唯一的个人身份识别号码连在一起使用,来确保用户的认证。
- Then interview the household member whose code number is the same as the figure. 向编号与该数字相同的住户成员进行访问。