- I heard sorghum candies is a native product here. 我听说高粱饴是本地的特产。
- Thanks for the candy bar. it really hit the spot! 谢谢你的这块糖,特合我的口味。
- The baby was given a piece of candy. 这孩子拿到了一块糖。
- The mother distributed candy among children. 母亲给孩子们发糖果。
- The stick of candy was striped with red. 这根棒糖上有红色条纹。
- I bought the child some sticks of candy. 我给孩子买了几根棒棒糖。
- The children divided up the candy among themselves. 孩子们把糖果分吃了。
- His pocket was all gummed up with candy. 他的口袋全被糖粘住了。
- Those grubby urchins ran to me and asked for candy. 那群邋遢的小淘气们向我跑过来要糖果。
- sorghum candy 高粱饴
- A small, thin, crisp cake, biscuit, or candy. 华夫饼干一种小而薄、脆的饼、饼干或糖果
- The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the party. 那个贪吃的小男孩把宴会上所有的糖果都吃光了。
- Snap into it, kids. I'll giver your candy when you finish. 快点干吧,孩子,干完了我给你们糖吃。
- He crammed as much candy into his pockets as they would hold. 他把口袋都塞满了糖果。
- The sorghum has grown unusually tall this year. 今年高梁长得特别高。
- We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot. 我们可以在这块地可以种高粱或玉米。
- An early-growing, usually drought-resistant grain sorghum resembling millet. 蜀黍与黍相似的一种种植期早,通常抗旱的黍蜀属谷物
- Corn, wheat and sorghum are feed grain. 谷类、麦子及玉蜀黍等都是家畜的饲料。
- It teed Jean off when Billy stole her candy. 比利偷简的糖果,使得简非常恼火。
- Selection of a Forage Sorghum Hybrid 'Liaosiza No. 饲用高粱杂交种辽饲杂三号选育报告。