- sophisticated modern weapons 精良的现代武器
- I am sure that, without modern weapons, I would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear. 我断定,如果我在没有现代武器的情况下同一只熊争夺一个山洞,我会出丑的。
- Guns are of little power against modern weapons in war. 在战争中,枪支与现代武器相比威力比较小。
- They believed they would win as they were armed with modern weapons. 他们坚信自己会赢,因为他们有现代化的武器装备。
- Its beam and laser attacks go far beyond the damage of any modern weapons. 它的光束以及激光攻击的威力远远超出了任何常规兵器所能够造成的伤害。
- The modern weapons are classified as strategic, operational and tactical ones. 现代武器分为战略武器、战役武器、战术武器。
- But he can also be a great fighter with his wondering modern weapons in need. 但他在需要时也可以在他先进武器的帮助下成为位强力的战士。
- If people are prejudiced towards these subjects, can we consider ourselves qualified as a truly sophisticated modern society? 无论是读书找工,有同学竟当着全班的面羞辱他,更有甚者把鸡蛋扔在他的身上。
- Modern weapons have greater range, accuracy, speed, and lethality than anything ever dreamed of before. 现代的武器比从前所梦想的任何武器射得更远,射得更准,速度更快,而且更具有杀伤力。
- With highly sophisticated modern production facilities, strict quality management systems and also in a labor-friendly workplace environment, KCC do the utmost to become a company you can rely on with trust and step forward with our customers. KCC以诚心作为维系客户的坚实纽带,以尖端生产技术结合全面的质量管理,精心生产出高品质的产品,为成为值得依赖的与顾客共同创造未来的企业而尽最大的努力。
- This problem merits special attention,since today military products mean modern weapons. 现在的军工产品是现代化的武器,更要注意这个问题。
- I am sure that,without modern weapons,I would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear. 我断定,如果我在没有现代武器的情况下同一只熊争夺一个山洞,我会出丑的。
- China must strive to increase her supplies of modern weapons so that she can fully carry out the tasks of positional attack in the stage of the strategic counter-offensive. 中国须努力增加新式武器,以便在战略反攻阶段中能够充分地执行阵地攻击的任务。
- This problem merits special attention, since today military products mean modern weapons. 现在的军工产品是现代化的武器,更要注意这个问题。
- The Tibetans learned how to operate a radio transmitter, fire modern weapons and set up ambushes. 在那里他们学会了如何操作无线电台和现代化武器以及如何设伏。
- And so they hope that perhaps war may be allowed to continue provided modern weapons are prohibited. 因为他们不知道以上的文献,所以他们希望战争可能会被允许继续提供现代被禁止的武器。
- Modern weapons make it practically certain that the next serious war will exterminate the human race. 现代武器的发展确定了下一次大战将会灭绝人类。
- We firmly oppose foreign countries' practice of selling modern weapons to Taiwan and the attempt of external forces to obstruct China's peaceful reunification in any excuse. 我们坚决反对外国向台湾出售先进武器,坚决反对任何外部干涉势力以任何借口阻挠中国的和平统一。
- I am sure that, without modern weapons, I would make a very poor show of disputing the cave with a bear, and I do not think that I stand alone. 我确信,如果没有现代武器,在和一头熊争夺山洞的所有权时,我一定会洋相尽出,并且在这方面我认为并非我一人如此。
- One of the advanced functions of modern weapon is Auto matic target recognition(ATR). 能够自动进行目标识别(ATR)是现代武器装备力争具备的先进性能之一。