- sonic target recognition 声目标识别
- Background subtraction should be solved at first in intelligence surveillance and auto target recognition. 背景消除是智能视觉监控和自动目标识别与跟踪首先要解决的问题。
- Target recognition is an important research focus of aerial defence in modern times. 空中目标识别是现代防空作战的重要研究内容.
- The segmentation of SAR target chip image is an important process for target recognition based on SAR image. SAR目标切片图像分割是基于SAR图像目标识别的一个重要步骤。
- Decision templates is an intuitive decision level fusion scheme for target recognition. 决策模板法是一种直观的决策层融合目标识别方法。
- The target classifier is an important composition of the underwater target recognition system. 目标分类器是水下目标识别系统的重要组成部分。
- One of the advanced functions of modern weapon is Auto matic target recognition(ATR). 能够自动进行目标识别(ATR)是现代武器装备力争具备的先进性能之一。
- It is known to all that radar target recognition (RTR) is very valuable for military application. 众所周知,雷达目标识别具有巨大的军事应用价值。
- Automatic Target Recognition(ATR) of airplane infrared image is an important research field in infrared target detection and infrared imaging guidance. 飞机红外图像的自动目标识别(ATR)是红外探测与成像制导技术中的重要研究内容之一。
- In the light of the target recognition based on MMW/IR fusion, a new neural network algorithm for the decision fusion is presented in this paper. 该文针对毫米波/红外传感器融合目标识别问题;提出一种新的用于决策层目标识别的神经网络融合算法.
- The result shows that the orthophoto image, which is made in the experimentation, can be used in the fusion, registration and target recognition. 校正后的图像可用于图像配准、融合和目标识别。
- Parameter estimation of radar target scatterer plays an important role in the process of target characteristics analysis and target recognition. 雷达目标散射中心的参数估计对目标特性分析和目标识别有重要意义。
- Traditional radar target recognition systems (RTRS) are developed from the ground up respectively, which consumes vast resources redundantly. 摘要由于以往的雷达目标识别系统主要技术不够成熟,采用专用软硬件结构来实现特定的识别任务。
- Samuel Weaver,Kelvin Wagner.Nonlinear techniques in optical synthetic aperture radar image generation and target recognition [J]. 基于体全息图像库的模式识别算法--论文摘要--中国光学期刊网
- To lower the SNR demand of target recognition, a new approach of feature extraction based on the bispectrum technique is presented. 本文利用双谱技术提取出目标信号双谱的局部相位信息作为特征矢量;
- Ship wake appearances possess information of ship type, tonage and speed.Wakes' target recognition is a helpful way for ship identification. 摘要船舶尾流形貌包含着船舶类型、船舶吨位、船舶航速等方面的信息,对尾流目标的识别是船舶识别的一种有用途径。
- Experiments with real satellite data show that the NNFC can effectively perform radar target recognition of multiple features combination. 最后,用外场实测数据进行验证,结果表明,最近邻模糊分类器能够有效地解决多种特征串联组合的雷达目标识别问题。
- Target recognition rates, under the three speeds, increase by about 20% in evolutional generation (EG) ranges, of SGGA, from 5 to 10 and from 10 to 15. 随机梯度遗传算法进化代数从5增加到10以及从10增加到巧时,三个航速下的目标识别率按照接近20%25的比例增加。
- A new method of target recognition was put forward, in which echo of target detected by the battlefield scout radar is processed directly with NN. 摘要提出了利用神经网络技术对战场侦察雷达目标回波的时域或频域信号进行处理,以实现对车辆目标进行分类识别的一种新算法。
- A trademark used for a sonic depth finder. 回音测深仪一种声音测深仪的商标