- He's always chuntering on about something or other. 他总是牢骚满腹,不抱怨这个就抱怨那个。
- I'm sure I've lost something or other. 我一定掉了一样什么东西了。
- Don't always gripe about something or other. 不要总是抱怨这,抱怨那的。
- She's always fussing about something or other. 她对任何事情总是大惊小怪的。
- Something or other prevented him from coming. 不知什么事使他不能来。
- Don't throw these odd pieces of cloth away; they may come in for something or other. 不要把这些零碎布片扔掉,它们可能会有什么用的。
- That fellow gives me a pain in the neck. He's forever complaining about something or other. 那家伙让我讨厌极了。他不是对这件事不平,就是对那件事不满。
- He was then writing something or other,I forget exactly what. 当时他正在写什么东西,我记不清到底在写什么。
- She's always having the builders in to do something or other. 她总是让建筑工人到家里来干这干那。
- The children are always bickering about something or other. 孩子们有事没事总是在争吵。
- She crept about and was in terror of something or other. 她蹑手蹑脚地到处走动时,总是感到这样或那样的恐怖。
- I always found something or other to say to evade the thing. 我老是找各种的话来作借口,想躲避这件事。
- He was then writing something or other, I forget exactly what. 当时他正在写什么东西,我记不清到底在写什么。
- Caught in the backwash, West has to give up something or other. 陷入了回流挤压,他不得不放弃这或者那。
- It is your fixed idea that you must be something or other, that blinds you. 是你那要成为某些或其他东西这种固执的想法将自己蒙蔽。
- Arthur Branderton is always here, asking his advice about something or other. 亚瑟·布兰德顿也经常到这里来跟他商量一些事情。
- She's a professor of something or other(= I'm not sure what)at Leeds. 她是利兹大学某个学科的教授。
- Don't throw these old newspapers away; they may come in for something or other. 不要把旧报纸扔掉,它们可能会有某种用处的。
- Frank: Gail something or other, from Esquire magazine. Could you make it quick? 弗兰克:这是从一个什么杂志社打来的,请快点。
- He spoke so rapidly that it was difficult to take notes without missing something or other of what he said. 他讲得太快,要把他的话毫无遗漏地记录下来是困难的。