- Title: Asymmetric somatic hybridization between Daucus carota L. and Swertia musstii Franch. 关键词:川西獐牙菜;胡萝卜;不对称体细胞杂交;同工酶;染色体
- Somatic hybridization technique can overcome some difficulties in traditional breeding and shorten breeding period in tobacco. 利用体细胞杂交技术;可以克服传统的有性杂交遇到的诸多育种障碍;加速烟草品种选育进程.
- Ovary, ovule, embryo culture and somatic hybridization could be used to overcome the incompatibility of distant hybridization and hybrid sterility, increase the genetic resources. 子房、珠和胚培养以及体细胞杂交可用于克服远缘杂交的不亲和性和杂种的不育性,有利于拓宽种质资源。
- This is the first report on production of diploid somatic hybrid plants between citrus with its related genus via symmetric fusion. 这是柑橘属间对称融合再生二倍体叶肉亲本类型植株的首例报道。
- Research progress of potato somatic hybridization 马铃薯体细胞杂交的研究进展
- asymmetric somatic hybridization 非对称体细胞杂交
- symmetric/asymmetric somatic hybridization 对称体细胞杂交
- Advances in Cotton Protoplast Culture and Somatic Hybridization 棉花原生质体培养与体细胞杂交研究进展
- Asymmetric Somatic Hybridization Between Wheat and Millet 小麦与谷子不对称体细胞杂交
- Practice and Prospects of Somatic Hybridization on rice 水稻体细胞杂交研究进展
- Somatic cell hybridization is technique. 体细胞杂交是一种技术。
- The present research plays a pivotal role in understanding the relationship between nuclear and cytoplasmic compositions and the likely field performance of somatic hybrids in the future. 本研究将有利于在将来了解体细胞杂种田间表现与核质组成的关系。
- Fertility of Hamlin Sweet Orange and Rough Lemon Somatic Hybrid 哈姆林甜橙与粗柠檬体细胞杂种的育性
- The hybrid offspring of a zebra and a horse. 杂交斑马斑马与马杂交的后代
- The Factors Affecting Plant Regeneration from Somatic Hybridization in Tobacco 烟草体细胞杂交再生植株的影响因素
- A mule is a hybrid of a donkey and a horse. 骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种。
- That is a hybrid perpetual rose. 那是一株杂种的四季开花的蔷薇。
- Genetic Variability of Interspecific Somatic Hybrid Plants of Citrus 柑橘种间体细胞杂种植株遗传变异研究
- A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse. 骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物。