- Consider detour, detouring a difficulty could solve a problem more smoothly than you thought it could. 让我们习惯性地去创造性思考,习惯性地去认真做事情,习惯性地对别人友好,习惯性地欣赏大自然。
- A difficulty has cropped up at work. 工作中突然出现困难。
- You mustn't flinch from a difficulty. 你不应从困难面前退缩。
- She tried to solve a crossword puzzle. 她试着解答一道纵横字谜。
- They wriggled out of a difficulty. 他们摆脱了困境。
- Here is a difficulty for you to get over. 这是你要克服的一个困难。
- They may solve a number of problems about Mars. 它们可能解释一些关于火星的问题。
- Where there is a difficulty,there is a way out. 哪里有困难,哪里就有解决困难的办法。
- They laboured under a difficulty. 他们遇到困难了。
- He is trying to solve a crossword puzzle. 他正在做猜字游戏。
- I'm in a bit of a difficulty over paying my rent. 我对付房租有点困难。
- Hardheaded solve a few problems. 脚踏实地解决一些问题。
- They thought up ways to overcome a difficulty. 他们想出了克服困难的方法。
- Have to solve a problem? Try taking a nap. 怎么解决问题?不妨小睡一会儿。
- He paused as though he found a difficulty. 他停顿了一下,仿佛遇到了困难。
- PCR, when you need to solve a crime. 当你需要知道谁是孩子的爹时,
- I found it somewhat of a difficulty. 我觉得这事有些困难。
- In order to solve a problem we need to air it. 我们把问题摊开来解决。
- I have a difficulty in breathing. 我有呼吸困难。
- Are you aware that there is a difficulty? 你知道有困难吗?