- He has been put in solitary confinement for attacking another prisoner. 他因伤害另一囚犯而被隔离监禁。
- The arch-criminal was kept solitary confinement. 那名首犯被单独监禁。
- The prisoner was kept solitary confinement. 那名囚犯被单独监禁。
- The state of being in solitary confinement. 单独监禁处于被单独限制起来的状态
- He spent eleven years in solitary confinement. 他度过了11年的单独监禁。
- The prisoner was sentenced to three months' solitary confinement. 那囚犯被判处三个月的单独监禁。
- He have is put in solitary confinement for attack another prisoner. 他因伤害另一囚犯而被隔离监禁。
- He has been put in solitary confinement for attack another prisoner. 他因伤害另一囚犯而被隔离监禁。
- Why This Is a Mistake: Pets, like people, don't thrive in solitary confinement. 为什么这是一个错误:宠物和人一样单独拘禁起来无法茁壮成长。
- Ken was placed in solitary confinement to serve out his eight-year term. 肯被单独监禁,直到8年期满。
- He gave me a detailed account of the relative merits of solitary confinement in various prisons. 他给我详细对比了各地监狱单独禁闭室的优劣点。
- The prisoner had been kept in solitary confinement for over a year,he neither saw nor heard another human being. 这个囚犯已被单独囚禁一年多时间,他既没看到别的人,又没听见他人的声音。
- El-Masri says he was shackled, beaten, kept in solitary confinement and injected with drugs there, before his release in Albania five months later. 马斯里说,他在拘留中心被戴上镣铐,遭到殴打,还被单独监禁并被注射药物,5个月后在阿尔巴尼亚获释。
- The prisoner was sentenced to three months' solitary confinement, ie kept apart from other prisoners. 那犯人被判处单独监禁叁个月(与其他犯人隔离).
- To be kept in strict solitary confinement, and to be closely watched and guarded. 应严加看守,小心戒备。
- Indeed, Herr General. Since we placed Prisoner Harding In solitary confinement we have had little If any trouble. 确实是啊,将军大人。自从我们把哈定这个囚犯独自关起来,我们是省了些麻烦。
- The reason ideas die quickly in some people's heads is that they can't stand solitary confinement. 有的人信念丧失,只因为孤独环绕。
- Later this was relaxed and every inmate except those sent to solitary confinement ate the same meagre diet. 后来这又放宽了,除去单独隔离的囚犯之外,其他人都供应一样可怜的食物。
- The prisoner was sentenced to three months' solitary confinement,ie kept apart from other prisoners. 那犯人被判处单独监禁三个月(与其他犯人隔离).
- The prisoner had been kept in solitary confinement for over a year, he neither saw nor heard another human being. 这个囚犯已被单独囚禁一年多时间,他既没看到别的人,又没听见他人的声音。