- Use solar ray to charge up, which is bottomless. 利用太阳光线充电,取之不尽,用之不竭。
- Less reflective than ice, water absorbs more solar rays, speeding the thaw and channeling meltwater into seals' breathing holes. 比冰的反射率小,海水吸收了更多的阳光,加速了融化并使融化后的淡水注入这些通气孔。
- Locate the sun and then examine a region of the sky at roughly 90° to the solar rays. 找到太阳的位置,然后考察与阳光约成90°的一个天空区域。
- Earth lost its protection against ultraviolet solar rays and for several hundred years the planet would have been battered by intense radiation. 地球失去了抵御太阳紫外线的保护层,在历时数百年的时间里一直处于强烈的辐射下。
- Solar rays are generally of lower energy, below 20 MeV (which is still high energy in earth terms). 太阳射线基本上有着较低的能量,在20兆电子伏以下(以地球来说仍然是高能)。
- When we burn the tree we can never get back more energy than its growing leaves had received and stored up from the solar rays. 我们燃烧树木时,所取回的能量绝不会比它生长着的叶子从太阳光中所吸收和贮存的能量多。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- Radioactive ray is material thing. 放射线是实际的物质。
- We can use solar energy to do many things today. 如今,我们可以利用太阳能做很多事情。
- A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower. 舌状花舌状花或这种花的花冠
- They accurately predicted solar eclipses. 他们精确地预告了日蚀。
- The solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago. 太阳系是四十五亿年前形成的。
- The gun can fire invisible rays. 这枪能发出看不见的射线。
- My eyes were blinded by the direct rays of light. 在光线的直射下,我看不清楚东西。
- He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy. 他就太阳能的利用作了一场讲演。
- All eyes directed their rays on the hero. 所有人的目光都汇集到那位英雄身上。
- The researches are concerned with alpha rays. 这些研究是关于阿尔法射线的。
- A mechanical model of the solar system. 太阳系仪太阳系的机械模型
- A ray of sunlight pierced the clouds. 一缕阳光穿透了云层。