- soils with normal plants 植物生长正常的土壤
- Meristematic plants grow vigorously with a very uniform stand and reported yields are higher than those obtained with normal plants. 分生组织培养的植株生长茁壮、长势整齐,报导的产量高于一般植株的。
- The upper leaves become yellow, starting at the base, and growth is restricted;compare with normal plant shown on the leaf (cv.Annette Hegg). 生长受到限制.;幼叶黄化;最后几乎白化
- part of field with normal plants 植株正常生长的地块
- Farmers enrich the soil with organic and inorganic manures. 农民用有机肥料和无机肥料来提高土壤的肥力。
- It's hard to work this soil with such an old spade. 用这样一把旧铁锹挖地真费劲。
- They worked with a set of normal plants and a set of transgenic plants. 他们研究了一组正常的植物和一组改变了基因的植物。
- He evened out the soil with a spade. 他用锹把土铲平。
- Gravely soil with clay-limestone subsoil. 以黏土与石灰岩为基土上覆厚实土壤层。
- Occurring with normal or healthy frequency. 正常频率的按正常或健康的频率发生的
- To smear or soil with or as if with dirt. 弄脏用或似用污泥涂抹或弄脏
- All of his tests came back with normal results. 他的所有检测结果都很正常。
- To soil with or as if with crock. 用煤烟弄脏用煤烟或似乎用煤烟弄脏
- It's hard working this soil with such an old spade. 用这把旧铁锹挖土,太难了。
- Check the acidity of the soil with a test kit. 用试验器具测一下土壤的酸度。
- An infant with normal vision will fixate on a light held before him. 一个有正常视力的婴儿会注视他面前的光亮。
- Adding some soil with worms in it can also help. 加一些有蠕虫的土壤也有助于加快速度。
- He evened out the soil with a spade . 他用锹把土铲平。
- The coordination effect of 3'UTR with W fragment needed the presence of a normal plant transcriptional terminator. 通过连续三次传代,这个系统都具有系统侵染的特性,且稳定地表达核心抗原。
- Facing partner with normal hold and light body contact. 面对舞伴,以正常握姿,身体稍微接触。