- soild polymer electrolyte 固态聚合物电解质
- Gel polymer electrolyte was prepared by chemical cros s- linking. 用化学交联法制备了凝胶聚合物电解质.
- Solid polymer electrolyte capacitor humidity sensor. 固体聚合物电解质电容式湿度传感器。
- Gel polymer electrolyte was prepared by chemical cros s -linking. 用化学交联法制备了凝胶聚合物电解质.
- There is a promising use of polymer electrolyte for Lithium ion batteries. 聚合物电解质在锂离子电池方面具有广泛的应用前景。
- Monte Carlo simulations on proton transport in polymer electrolyte membranes were studied. 摘要模拟了质子在质子交换膜中的输送过程。
- With the development of solid polymer electrolyte ,lithium and its alloys may be the promising anode materials. 随着固体电解质的不断研究,锂金属及其合金有可能成为最有前景的负极材料。
- P(VDF-HFP)/PVP polymer electrolyte based on the blend of PVP and P(VDF-HFP) was prepared by phase transfer method. 以聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮(PVP)与聚偏氟乙烯-六氟丙烯[P(VDF-HFP)]的混合物为基质,用相转移法制备了聚合物电解质P(VDF-HFP)/PVP。
- A type of solid polymer electrolyte(SPE) was prepared with urea,Propionamide,and PEG6000. 用丙酰胺溴化钠、PEG6000制备了聚合物凝胶固体电解质(SPE)。
- "Development of 1kW class polymer electrolyte membrane Fuel cell power generation system," H.I.Lee, C.H.Lee , T.Y. "质子交换膜燃料电池组之制作与性能最佳化研究",庄云羽,硕士论文,国立中山大学机械工程研究所,中华民国九十二年六月。
- The electrode assembles directly on a prepatterned polymer electrolyte, forming a bilayer. 电极可在预制的聚合物电解质上直接自组而成,形成双层结构。
- The emphasis is put on the electrochemical NO(subscript x) sensors and the feasibility is dicussed for determination of nitrogen oxides using solid polymer electrolyte. 重点讨论了氮氧化物电化学传感器,并研究了利用固体聚合物作为电解质进行氮氧化物气体检测的可行性。
- A composite polymer electrolyte with fast ion mobility and therefore high conductivities has to be of low crystallinity in its polymer matrix. 通常一种复合聚合物电解质由于其中聚合物基体具有很低的结晶时就会产生快的离子迁移和拥有很高的电导率。
- Alkaline solid polymer electrolyte films, which composed of PVA-KOH-H2O series, were synthesized by a solution cast technique. 本实验采用溶液浇铸法制备了PVA-KOH-H_2O基系列碱性固体聚合物电解质。
- The performance of hydrogen fuel cells using a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) depends on the moisture level of the membrane. 采用聚合物电解膜(PEM)的氢燃料电池的性能取决于膜的潮湿程度。
- Operation temperature has significant influence on the performance and lifespan of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) stacks. 质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)电堆工作温度对电堆的性能和运行寿命有很大影响。
- Y. W. Chen-Yang, H. C. Chen, F. L. Lin ”Solid composite polymer electrolyte” United States Patent 20020185627 (December 12, 2002). 陈玉惠;陈宏昌;林芙蓉”固态复合聚合物电解质”中华民国专利90122924(申请中;2001).
- HPMC is non-ion cellulose ethers and not the polymer electrolyte .If there is metal salt or organic electrolyte ,it will be steadier in water solution. HPMC在无水乙醇、乙醚、丙酮中几乎不溶,在冷水中溶解成澄清或微浑浊的胶体溶液。
- It suggested an interaction between nanometeric Al2O3 particles and PVDF-HFP polymer matrix in polymer electrolyte membrane from the FT-IR spectroscopy. 并通过分析填充纳米Al2O3的PVDF-HFP膜的FT-IR光谱图,从微观上说明了Al2O3与聚合物电解质膜中的PVDF-HFP基体存在相互作用。