- The Manual for Design and Construction Monitoring of Soil Nail Walls? 我有土钉墙设计施工与监测手册一书的英文原版?
- The author introduce the application of cement mixing pile and composite soil nailing wall in a foundation pit. 通过搅拌桩喷锚复合土钉墙支护在某基坑的应用实例分析,介绍搅拌桩加喷锚复合土钉墙的施工工艺及应用效果。
- This structure of soil nailing wall of this kind was successfully used in one foundation pit in Beijing. 水泥土搅拌桩加锚杆基坑围护结构是一种基坑支护新工艺。
- PSP is a three-dimensional composite support structure, often used for shoring of foundation pit of soil nailing wall unsatisfied requirements. 摘要PSP支护技术是一种三元复合支护结构,常用于土钉墙无法满足要求的基坑支护。
- The contants and ways of further research for the soil nailing wall are put forward by the theory analysis,site measure and the numerical analysis. 重点分析了目前复合土钉墙支护技术研究中存在的不足,并提出了从理论分析、现场监测、数值分析对复合土钉墙进一步研究的主要内容和方法途径。
- Not only to soil nailing wall and composite soil nailing wall ,but also to similar structure engineering of foundation pit , which is valuable for reference and guilding. 不仅对土钉墙及复合土钉墙,对其它一些土工结构的有限元分析,也具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。
- The paper introduces the successful applications of jet-grouting pile of small angle,jet grouting pile with steel and compound soil nailing wall in the complicated deep pit. 通过对青岛某大厦基坑工程设计和施工实例分析,介绍了小角度旋喷桩、加筋旋喷桩、和复合土钉墙三种支护技术在复杂深基坑中的成功应用。
- With practical project of Jiaxing Jiangnan Moer, the author introduces the measures for supervision and control of compound soil nail wall support construction. 结合嘉兴江南摩尔工程实例,阐述监理对复合土钉墙支护工程进行事前、事中和事后控制的措施。
- Finally, it brings forward some recommendations, such as carefully examining the design, improving construction and management, best understanding of working mechanism of the soil nailing wall. 最后针对目前深基坑工程中普遍存在的问题提出了加强设计方案的审查、加强施工管理、加强土钉墙研究的建议。
- The inconsequence which is shear resisting about soil nailing and mixing piles ignored when calculating the stability safety factors of complex soil nailing wall inside, is pointed out. 指出了前人在计算复合土钉墙的内部稳定性安全系数时忽略土钉和搅拌桩的抗剪作用的不科学性。
- This paper aims to discuss the deformation and failure mechanism of Compound Soil Nail Wall(CSNW) and the method to calculate the global stability of CSNW applied in Shanghai soft clay excavations. 讨论了上海地区松软地层中基坑工程采用复合型土钉支护的变形和破坏机理和整体稳定性计算方法。
- Prestressed composite soil nailing walls 预应力复合土钉墙
- The Soil nailing Wall and Its Development 土钉墙技术及其发展前景
- As a effective support form for excavation, the soil nailed wall has been suggested and widely used in recent years. 土钉支护结构作为一种有效支护基坑的形式得到了广泛应用。
- Closure on "Development of composite soil nailing walls" 对"复合土钉墙技术的研究及应用"讨论的答复
- Discussion on "Development of composite soil nailing walls" 关于"复合土钉墙技术的研究及应用"的讨论
- Soil Nailing Wall Bracing Used in Chengcheng Mansion 常盛大厦基坑土钉墙支护
- Analysis on Stability of Soil Nailing Wall by Sliding Wedge Method 土钉墙稳定性分析的滑动楔块法
- Application complex soil nail wall in deep foundation pit support 复合土钉墙技术在深基坑支护中的应用