- soil specific volume 土壤比容
- In this paper,the recent research on columbium electrolytic capacitor and high specific volume columbium are reviewed. 综述了近年来国内外电容器用高比容铌粉和铌电解电容器最新研究发展动态、性能、制造方法及市场前景。
- Each of the enzymes could markedly increase bread specific volume, improvw the crumb texture and retard bread staling. 结果显示,四种酶单独使用都能很大程度上增大麸皮面包的体积,改善其质构,降低其老化速率。
- Height options: 1.5m, 1.8m, 2m; Thickness options: 0.1m,0.15m. Length is designed for specific volume and pigpen area. 如图所示:在湿帘底部设循环水池一座,具体尺寸应根据湿帘设计的面积的需要来定。
- The specific volume was reduced evidently with the increase of PF addition when it was over 15%. 当添加量高于15%25后,面包的比体积随著马铃薯全粉添加量的增大而明显减小。
- Unlike the low temperature superconductors, heat accumulation in a specific volume is more likely the main cause of quenches for the high temperature superconductive (HTS) coils. 摘要不同于低温超导体,在高温超导线圈中,一定体积内的热积累是造成失超的较主要原因。
- The extrudate's physical properties measured in this study were true density, bulk density, apparent specific volume, and breaking strength. 挤压产品之物理特性包括:总体密度、眞密度、比容积以及切断强度。
- Addition of shortening and refined lard improved steamed bread quality, including specific volume, surface brightness, crumb texture, and shelf life. 发现,固态油脂(起酥油和精制猪油)的适量添加能够改善馒头的表面色泽和内部质构,增大了馒头的体积和延缓了馒头的老化。
- Under the optimum conditions, the composite nano-particles of (110Agm) Ag/TiO2 were synthesized with radiochemical yield of 93.6% and specific volume radioactivity of 0.6MBq/mL. 实验结果表明在最佳反应条件下;用聚酰胺薄膜层析法测得约有93.;6%25的110Agm沉积在TiO2纳米微粒表面;放射性浓度为0
- Quality analysis of steamed bread of 23 wheat varieties popularized in Shandong Province showed that in the size and specific volume,the first is Taishan1,the second is Lumai17. 对23个小麦品种蒸制的馒头进行品质分析,结果表明泰山1号品种蒸制的馒头体积和比容最大,其次是鲁麦17号。
- The amount of carbon dioxide gas contained in a cylinder is determined by multiplying the weight of the liquid by the specific volume at 68 f (20 c) and 1 atmosphere pressure, (8.70 cu. ft./lb.). 液体的重量乘以在68°F (20°C)和1个大气压时的比容(8.;70 cu
- According to the relationship,derived from the approximate mathematical model,aspecific volume-particle diameter curve is obtained with a max of specific volume for eachtype of Ta powder. 根据建立的近似数学模型导出的比容与粒径关系式,得到了比容与粒径的关系曲线,该曲线表明,每种规格的钽粉均有一个比容极大值。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 这类作物不能在石灰质的土壤中生长。
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我们应该在碱性土壤里种什么?
- Example is for total of 5,000 pieces per day, in a two-shift operation. Recalculate example column for specific volumes. 14取样为每天5000件,两班运转。对其它特定总体重新计算样品数。
- There are a lot of worms in the soil. 泥土中有许多蠕虫。
- Water has permeated (through) the soil. 水已渗遍那片土壤。
- surface of equal specific volume 等比容面
- There are some clods of soil on the mat. 垫子上有些土块。