- soil salt movement 盐分运移
- The related study on water and salt movement characteristics is of much importance for the reclamation and development of salinized soil. 该文根据实测资料,研究了在有限深度下新疆盐碱土再分布过程中水分和盐分运移特征。
- Research on water movement and solute transport in layered soil has beenconcentrated on clay layer, however, less work has been done on soil with sand layerespecially on salt movement characteristics under this condition. 关于层状土中水分运动和溶质运移的研究,目前主要集中在研究粘土夹层的情况,对于沙土夹层的研究较少,特别是在该情况下的盐分运动特性研究更少。
- The increasein initial soil salt content would decrease the desalinization coefficient. 土壤初始含盐量的增加使得达标脱盐系数减小。
- Effect of soil salt and drought stress on growth properties and water-holding capacities of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. 土壤盐分及干旱胁迫对皂角幼苗生长和叶片保水力的影响。
- Effects of Soil Salt, Drought and Their Intercrossing Stress on Growth Properties of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. 盐分、干旱及其交叉胁迫对皂角幼苗生长性状的影响。
- observation on water and salt movement in soil 土壤水盐动态观测
- Soil salt evolvement regulations of seashore soil in Tianjin under landscape greening. 天津滨海园林绿化中土壤盐分的演变规律
- The field experiments were conducted to study the effects of rainwater harvesting on water and salt movement on marine saline-alkaline forestation in Cangzhou Coastal Eco. 通过田间试验,研究了临港开发区滨海盐碱林地集雨措施下的水盐运动。
- Title: Effects of Soil Salt, Drought and Their Intercrossing Stress on Growth Properties of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. 关键词:林木育种;盐分;干旱;交叉胁迫;皂角;生长性状
- Results showed that conventional composting and irrigated composting was better than others in controlling soil salt content. 结果表明:灌水+堆肥与常规堆肥盐分调控的效果最好。
- The influence of application frequency of mulched drip irrigation on soil salt regime and cotton growth are experimentally study in field. 本文研究了棉花膜下滴灌在不同的土壤含盐量条件下灌溉周期对土壤水盐运动和棉花生长的影响。
- Results showed that both soil salt accumulation and acidulation in topsoil were evident and the amounts of main soil nutrients are increased. 结果表明,随着连作年限的增加,温室土壤盐分表聚和酸化现象明显,土壤主要养分含量有增加的趋势。
- Base on the field investigation and measured data, the water and sail balance as well as salt movement are analyzed in Weigan river irrigation district, located in the south part of Tianshan mountain. 摘要依据实地考察与实测资料,探讨了天山南麓渭干河灌区的水量平衡、盐量平衡和盐分去向等问题。
- It was obvious that soil salt accumulated in deep soil of farmland and soil salt accumulated in surface horizon of uncropped soil. 荒漠绿洲边缘区的演变以环境梯度变化为主要驱动力。
- In agricultural area of the alluvial-proluvial plain and the plain, the soil salt content increases with the increasing of depth. 在人工耕地洪泛冲积平原、细土平原则呈随深度的增加而增加的趋势;
- Influencing factors of leaf water potential includes soil water content,soil salt,net radiation,atmosphere humidity and atmosphere temperature. 通过相关性分析得出叶水势的影响因素有:土壤水分、盐分,净辐射,大气湿度,大气温度。
- Studies of soil salt dynamics in saline-sodic soil in different seasons provided scientific basis for the improvement and control of salinized and alkaline soil in Songnen plain. 本文对不同季节苏打盐渍土盐分动态的研究,为松嫩平原苏打盐渍土的改良和控制提供了科学依据。
- In the vertical direction of the alluvial-proluvial plain and the plain where groundwater table is shallow, the soil salt content increases with the gradual decreasing of depth. 在垂直方向上,在地下水位埋藏较浅的细土平原及冲积平原区,包气带含盐量随深度增加逐渐减小;
- Results of ordination by DCA reflect that the plant community distribution patterns are affected by environmental factors such as soil salt content and hydrological situation. DCA排序结果表明,决定现代黄河三角洲植物分布类型的环境因子主要是土壤盐分和水文状况。