- soil plastic film 地膜
- Plastic film mulching markedly increased biomass per a plant,flag leaf area,tillers per unit soil area,grains per ear and 1 000-grain weight. 覆膜显著增加单株生物量、旗叶面积、亩穗数、穗粒数和千粒重。
- The integrated effects exhibited grass mulching> plastic film mulching > shallow scarification > soil surface scarification > the control. 综合各种效应,不同处理优劣顺序为覆草>盖膜>浅松土>表层松土>对照。
- Application of CAD technology to plastic film capacitors. CAD技术在有机薄膜电容器中的应用。
- Cultivation by covering with plastic film can effectively restrain the invalid evaporation of soil moisture, especially before the period of jointing. 覆膜栽培可有效抑制农田水分的无效蒸发,具有明显的抗旱增产作用。
- Uptodate and general use ground film to cover a breeding method, plastic film decays not easily, soil contamination is serious. 现时普遍采用地膜覆盖间育种法,塑料薄膜不易腐烂,土壤污染严重。
- In maize rhisophere, maize root reduced the percentage of antibacterial and antifungal by 59.7% and 45.2% compared with maize bulk soil under plastic film mulching. 覆膜处理中,玉米根系可使抗细菌、抗真菌拮抗菌比率较根外分别降低59.;7%25、45
- The water harvesting area is a ridge mulched with plastic film and even small rain can easily run down planting area,so soil moisture in planting area can be improved greatly. 本试验所采取的措施使施肥量和水分同时得以改善,而不同降雨年型增产幅度差异较大,这表明该地区水分是影响作物产量的主要因素。
- The dessert is only accessible by tearing off a strangely gooey plastic film. 甜菜由撕离开一部奇怪地粘乎乎的塑料电影仅仅是可存取的。
- Ju Yixi, thin poly, plastic film blown film crew with a reasonable design. 聚乙稀,聚稀,塑料薄膜吹膜机组具有合理的设计。
- Inflated plastic film can protect any structure from the rain permanently or temporarily. 充气膨胀的塑料薄膜能永久或暂时地保护任何结构物不受雨水侵袭。
- His five, because of the holographic paper waste in the soil weathering, without causing environmental pollution, so it will be increasingly replaced with plastic film holographic products. 其五,由于全息纸张废弃后可在泥土中风化,不会造成环境污染,因此,它将日渐取代含有塑料膜的激光全息产品。
- The most successful had been the "space blanket" of vacuum aluminised plastic film. 最成功的是真空镀铝塑料膜的“太空服。”
- The after farmland use plastic film aging, can broken leave behind in the field, does not decompose rottenly. 农田使用的塑料薄膜老化后,会破碎遗留在田间,不分解腐烂。
- The effect of straw and plastic film dual mulch in dry-cultivation of rice planting was studied. 我国覆膜稻栽培研究始于1996年,但迄今都为地膜单元覆盖。
- Based on soil plasticity and limit analysis theory,active soil pressure on broken back surface and resistive overturn safety factor are studied systematically. 基于土的塑性极限分析理论,考虑墙后为无粘性填土的情况,对折线型挡土墙背上的主动土压力和挡土墙抗倾覆稳定状态等进行了较为系统地研究。
- Carbon Black Pigmented Ethylene Plastic Film, Test Method for Absorption Coefficient of (08. 碳黑加色乙烯塑料薄膜的吸收系数的试验方法(08。
- Test Method for Puncture-Propagation Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Thin Sheeting (08. 塑料薄膜和薄板的耐裂口撕裂扩散的试验方法(08。
- Test Method for Tear Propagation Resistance of Plastic Film and Thin Sheeting by a Single-Tear Method (08. 用单剪切法测定塑料薄膜和薄板的耐撕裂扩展性的试验方法(08。
- We specialized in plastic bags, plastic films and printing for plastic bags. 我们是专门制造生产塑胶袋、塑胶膜以及印刷。