- soil physical maturity 土壤的物理适耕性,土壤物理适耕性
- Soil physical mechanism of the processes of water saving. 节水高产技术体系土壤物理学机理。
- The AWC of main sorts in China was estimated with the studied model and elementary soil physical and chemistry data. 将研究所得的土壤AWC估算模型,结合收集整理的土壤理化数据,进行我国主要土壤类型的土壤AWC估算。
- Soil erosion seriously influences soil physical and chemical properties, and further limits crop production. 土壤侵蚀严重地影响土壤物理和化学性质,限制了作物生产;
- Along with the increasing length of stopping discharging the gangue, the soil physical and chemical characteristics improve gradually. 随着停止排矸年限的增加,土壤理化性状逐渐改善。
- The result shows corrected unsaturated soil physical parameters can be got by APPIA.So the software of APPIA should be spreaded widely. 结果表明:用APPIA程序可获得较为准确的非饱和土壤物理参数,应广泛推广使用。
- Results show that cultivation can improve soil physical structure and induce a higher probability for interflow occurrence. 结果表明,(1)耕作能有效改善土壤结构,增加降雨入渗量,并增大壤中流发生机率;
- In cultivated land systems, the upland soil physical fertility increased with the cultivation, but the upland crops-rice rotation has a disadvantageous effect. 耕地土壤的物理学肥力随着旱耕熟化过程而增加,但是水旱轮作过程对其有不利的影响。
- Effects of applying different quantity of urban refuse compost on soil physical and chemical properties, heavy mental accumulation and crop growth were analysed in this paper. 本文分析了不同量的城市生活垃圾堆肥(以下简称垃圾堆肥)施入农田土壤后,土壤理化性状、作物生长效应及重金属在土壤中积累等情况。
- The soil physical chemistry character and the quantity of microbe were analyzed to study on soil microbe ecological distribution of Huangshui valley in Qinghai province. 测定分析了青海省湟水流域不同土壤类型理化性状和微生物数量,研究了土壤微生物生态分布。
- The Effects of Grazing Intensity on Soil Physics and Chemical Properties. 放牧强度对草地土壤理化性质的影响。
- This experiment discussed the effects of different polyacrylamide (PAM) concentration treatments on soil physical and chemical properties, maize's growth and yields. 摘要试验探讨不同浓度的聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)处理对土壤的理化性质及玉米的生长发育和产量的影响。
- Hillel D.Research in soil physics: A review [J].Soil Sci. 1991, 151 : 30-34. 胡克林陈德立.;农田土壤养分的空间变异性特征[J]
- Super absorbent polymers can affect the melioration of soil physical property, the increase of capability of absorbing water and preserving water and fertilizer of soil, and the growth of crop consumedly. 摘要保水剂对改善土壤物理性质、增强土壤的吸水、保水和保肥能力、促进作物生长发育有着十分重要的影响。
- The results showed, the breakthrough curve of nitrate vertical transport in saturated condition was more or less non-symmetrical, mainly due to the different proportion of mobile and immobile water in the soil and soil physical properties. 结果表明,在饱和条件下,硝态氮垂直运移过程的穿透曲线呈现不对称形状和拖尾现象,主要由于土壤中存在著动水和不动水的比例不同和土壤的物理性质所致。
- This paper discusses effect of soil physical properties,stress history,structural behaviour,rheological properties of the soil-skeleton and stress-strain path under measurement on the lateral earth pressure at rest. 本文讨论了土的物理属性、应力历史、结构特性、土骨架的流变性质以及测量时采用的应力一应变路径等对静止侧压力的影响。
- Reforestation of degraded soil can improve soil quality through litter fall, but little is known about interactions between soil microbial biomass and soil physical and chemical properties. 摘要退化土壤植被恢复后土壤质量在凋落物参与下提高,但恢复土壤理化性质与土壤微生物生物量间的相互作用尚不清楚。
- Beneficial changing and improvement of the soil physical and chemical properties, microorganic properties and erosion control capacity in the mixed plantations are discussed in this paper. 讨论了人工混交林对林地土壤理化性质、微生物及水土保持等方面的改良和促进作用。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Soil solute transport as affected by irrigation is, at present, an important research area in soil physics, environmental sciences, and geohydrology. 灌溉对土壤养分运移理论的研究是目前土壤物理学、境科学和农田灌溉学研究的一个重要方面。