- The main contents of soil and water conservation include compilation purpose, compilation basis, project construction brief, soil loss prediction in project construction, prevention scheme for soil loss, investment estimate and effect analysis. 水保方案的主要内容,包括编制的目的与意义、制依据、程施工简况、程建设过程中水土流失预测、土流失防治方案、资概算及效益分析。
- The standard of unit plot in soil loss prediction of China 土壤侵蚀预报研究中的标准小区问题论证
- Crop cover factor estimating for soil loss prediction 黄土高原土壤侵蚀作物覆盖因子计算
- Study on the Soil Loss Prediction in Southeast Fujian 闽东南土壤流失预报研究
- soil loss prediction 土壤流失预报
- But stover protects against soil loss to wind and water. 但是柴火能让土地保留风和水。
- People plant trees on stark hill in order to deline the water and soil loss. 人们在荒丘上种植了树木以减少水土流失。
- The Grey-Markov chains model is applied to the economic loss prediction system of environment pollution accidents. 将灰色马尔柯夫链模型应用于环境污染事故的经济损失预测系统。
- People planted trees on the waste hills to decrease water and soil loss. 人们在荒丘上种植了树木,以减少水土流失。
- Soil loss, water shortages, and environmental quality problems are also the legacy of our growth. 水土流失和环境质量也是我们发展中遗留下来的问题。
- Soil loss of the pure contour hedgerow plot was 37.71% of that of the pure crop plot. 单纯等高植物篱处理小区的侵蚀量仅为在相近雨强及雨量条件下对照坡耕地的37.71%25。
- And the soil loss of the grading terrace is more serious than the paddy field, with lower hypsography. 地势较高的缓坡梯田比地势低的水稻田侵蚀严重。
- After projects are put into operation, the emphases of soil loss monitoring are landslide and bank collapse. 工程建成投入运行后,水土流失监测的重点是库区的滑坡、塌岸。
- One of the most eye opening results was that increasing application of fertilizers correlated well with decreasing levels of soil loss on these sites. 最令人振奋的结果之一是,增加肥料用量与这些地点土壤损失量的降低呈良好相关。
- Hillslope one of the important topographty factors for process of the evolution and the intensity of erosion of the soil loss. 摘要地面坡度是地形因素中对坡面土壤侵蚀的演变发展过程与侵蚀强度起重要作用的因子。
- Hillslope is one of the important topographty factorsfor process of the evolution and the intensity of erosion of the soil loss. 地面坡度是地形因素中对坡面土壤侵蚀的演变发展过程与侵蚀强度起重要作用的因子。
- Contrastively, due to complicated types and high intensity, man-made erosions were main water and soil loss hazards in Guangzhou city. 人为侵蚀的成因主要有:采石取土、交通道路建设、开发区建设以及坡耕地。
- Applying a redesigned index of land use structure,the effect of land use structural change on water and soil loss in Wusuli River basin was analyzed. 不合理的土地利用结构是导致我国一些河流水土流失乃至河流改道的重要原因之一。
- One possibility is to use the remains of corn plants left in the field after harvest.This material is known as Stover.But stover protects against soil loss to wind and water. 有些人担心玉米作为乙醇生产的原料,用量不断增加会导致食品价格上涨,同时也担心玉米作为食品和饲料的原料减少了。
- Among the soil and crop management treatments, alley cropping gave the lowest soil loss, which was only about 14% of the farmers' practice(residues burnt). 在土壤和作物管理的不同处理中,巷带种植使土壤流失量最低,只有农民习惯措施(烧掉植物残体)的14%25左右。