- soil environment capacity 土壤环境容量
- Effect of rice-azolla-fish system on soil environment of rice field. 稻-萍-鱼体系对稻田土壤环境的影响。
- The plastic sheeting used in farmland extremely pollutes and sabotages the soil environment. 农田塑料薄膜(地膜)污染对土壤环境危害很大,覆膜灌溉技术可能会增加其复杂性。
- The confirmation of aquatic environment capacity provides a scientific evidence for surface water protection policy-making process in Jiuzhaigou. 白水江水环境容量的确定为实施九寨沟县地表水环境保护提供了决策依据。
- The soil environment and the microbial communities inhabiting the soil are enormously complex. 土壤环境和生长在土壤里的微生物群落是十分复杂的。
- Environment capacity is introduced here and theoretic summarized, which is thereunder for different water using purpose containing pollutant gross. 本文还介绍了河道的环境容量,概括总结了其理论计算公式,它是不同使用用途的水体所能容纳污染物总量的依据。
- Aging can markedly impact the availability and the fate of organic pollutants in soil environment. 老化对有机污染物的有效性和行为归趋有着重要的影响。
- After the quantitative analysis of environment capacity for ecotourism, this paper puts forward the planning of the environment protected mode. 在对螺髻山自然保护区生态旅游环境容量进行定量分析后,提出了在开发中的生态环境保护建设规划。
- Wu Qingbai, Zhu Yuanlin, Shi Bing. Study of frozen soil environment relation to engineering activities. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology. 吴青柏,朱元林,施斌。工程活动下的冻土环境研究。冰川冻土
- Energy production and consumption are the main reasons of air pollution and ecology destruct,at the same time,overspend of environment capacity can restrict energy development. 能源生产与消费是造成大气环境污染与生态环境破坏的重要原因,而环境容量的过度使用,又会反过来约束能源的发展。
- GSED aims at meeting the national strategic requirements and the cutting-edge international researches on groundwater and soil environment. 地下水与土壤环境研究所瞄准国家战略需求和国际地下水与土壤环境科学前沿,开展水体和场地污染控制与修复、水资源利用与保护、劣质地下水净化等领域的战略性、前瞻性和原创性研究,揭示地下水系统元素生物地球化学循环和污染物输移过程,构建污染场地生态毒性与风险表征的方法体系,制定污染场地评价和修复的技术标准与规范,研发复合功能材料和设备。
- This paper summarizes the resource characteristics of Kanas Lake in Xinjiang,indicates the problems of the ecological environment capacity faced by the developing Kanas Lake. 本文概述了新疆喀纳斯的资源特点,通过对其旅游地生命周期的阶段分析,总结出了处于发展阶段的喀纳斯湖所面临的生态环境容量问题。
- It was feasible definitely to use antioxidant enzyme combined with ATPase as a biomarker for pollution stress of these chemicals in soil environment. 抗氧化酶和ATP酶相结合作为该类化合物对土壤污染胁迫的敏感生物指示物具有一定的可行性。
- According to water quality requirement of the function districts in the section,the water environment capacity was calculated with the design flux and relevant parameters. 根据满足该江段相应水功能区水质目标的要求,由设计流量及有关参数计算出水体纳污能力。
- On the basis of the principles of plant physiology, agro-meteorology and soil environment, net primary production of rice and wheat crops was modeled. 以植物生理学、农业气象学和土壤环境学的基本原理为基础,建立了稻麦作物净初级生产力模型。
- Accounted on environment capacity of river in the proposed urban area, water pollutant emission that needed to reduce in various planning terms was proposed. 对规划区内河道水体的环境容量进行核算,提出各规划期限内需削减的城区水体污染源污染量。
- The effects of DOM on adsorption; desorption and partition of main organic pollutant such as pesticides; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons( PAHs) in soil environment. 阐述了可溶性有机物对农药、环芳烃在土壤中的吸附、吸及分配等环境行为所起的作用。
- Oribatida is rainitype arthropod in the soil, and it is sensitive direction biology about soil environment diversification, do use it to bioindicate soil contaminated. 甲螨是土壤中的小型节肢动物,是土壤环境变化的敏感指示生物,可用于土壤污染检测。
- Human's irrational development activities have brought serious effects to soil environment,such as desertification,soil erosion,salination,and contamination etc. 人类不合理的开发行为给土壤环境带来了沉重的负面影响,主要表现为土壤沙化、土壤侵蚀、土壤盐渍化、土壤污染等。