- Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an important part of soil carbon pool. 溶解有机碳(Dissolved Organic Carbon,简称DOC)是土壤碳库的重要组成部分。
- LI Changsheng.Loss of soil carbon threatens Chinese agriculture:a comparison on agroecosystem carbon pool in China and the U.S.[J].Quaternary Sciences,2000,20 (4):345-350. [5]长生.;土壤碳储量减少:中国农业之隐患-中美农业生态系统碳循环对比研究[J]
- Pan G X,Li L Q,Zhang X H.Perspectives on issues of soil carbon pools and global change[J].J.of Nanjing Agric.Univ.,2002,25(3):79-88. [8]潘根兴;李恋卿;张旭辉.;土壤有机碳库与全球变化研究的若干前沿问题[J]
- Priming Effect of Soil Carbon Pools 土壤碳库激发效应研究
- soil carbon pool 土壤碳库
- forest soil carbon pool 森林土壤碳库
- The contributions of the undergrowth,litter layer,coarse woody debris (CWD) and dead fine root to the total carbon pool was no more than 1%. 格氏栲和杉木人工林乔木层碳库分别占人工林碳库的65.;9%25和57
- Furthermore, reducing tillage increases soil carbon sequestration, compared with conventional moldboard plowing. 跟传统的板犁耕法比起来,减少犁田还可以增加土壤封存的碳。
- When primitive subalpine abies forest was deforested to cropland, soil carbon stock and its stability decreased. 人工林土壤呼吸速率大于天然次生林,农地和草地呼吸速率最低。
- S. croplands to sequester soil carbon comes from conservation tillage, including no-till. 美国农地封存碳的潜能约有一半来自保育耕法,其中就包括不整地栽培法。
- Contents of all types of soil carbon and CPMI were improved when the straw was retuned to the soil. 秸秆还田免耕、旋耕提高了土壤不同形态碳素含量和碳库管理指数;
- Dissolved organic carbon is a key fraction of active carbon pool in forest soils and its dynamics (including release and adsorption) will affect function of soils as "source" or "sink" of organic carbon. 森林土壤(包括枯枝落叶层)DOC是森林土壤活性碳库的重要组分,它的淋溶释放、存留、降解及迁移等动态变化影响到森林土壤(包括枯枝落叶层)有机C库的源汇功能;
- Liu Mingliang.Land-use/cover change and terrestrial ecosystem phytomass carbon pool and production in China[D].Beijing:The Institute of Remote Sensing Applications,Chinese Academy of Sciences,2001. [20]刘明亮.;中国土地利用/土地覆被变化与陆地生态系统植被碳库和生产力研究[D]
- Yang, J.C., J.H.Huang, Q.M Pan, J.W.Tang, X.G.Han. 2004.Long-term impacts of land-use change on dynamics of tropical soil carbon and nitrogen poois. 杨景成;黄建辉;唐建维;潘庆民;韩兴国.;2005
- Knoepp, J. D. and W. T. Swank (1997) Forest management effects on surface soil carbon and nitrogen. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61: 928-935. 颜江河(2005)森林土壤的碳吸存量。森林与环境变迁研讨会论文集。国立中兴大学森林学系主办。国立中兴大学农业暨自然资源学院十楼国际会议厅。226页。
- Recently much effort has been spend on the evaluation of soil carbon sequestration potential as a measure to temporarily reduce the increasing rate of atmospheric GHGs. 近年来有许多研究致力于探讨土壤碳封存能力,期望能减缓大气温室气体增加的速度。
- Review on study of the "slow" soil organic carbon pool 土壤“慢”有机碳库研究进展
- Correlation analysis revealed that CPMI may be a better indicator than soil organic matter employed to reflect the dynamic changes of soil nutrients and soil carbon. 相关性分析表明,运用土壤碳库管理指数表征土壤养份及碳素动态变化比土壤有机碳更具灵敏性。
- The sizes and MRTs of slow carbon pools showed that SOC in Qilian Mountain sites was more difficult to decompose than that in Changbai Mountain sites. 根据缓效性碳的大小和平均驻留时间可以得知,祁连山森林土壤的有机碳较长白山的难分解。
- This is because carbon-isotope fractiontion of soil carbonate is mainly controlled by the composition of soil CO2, which is determined by the biomass of C3 and C4 plants. 这是因为土壤碳酸盐中的碳稳定同位素的分馏过程主要取决于土壤当中的CO2气体的碳同位素分馏状况,而后者又主要与成土时上覆植被的类型(C3、C4型植物)有关。