- software investment protection 软件覆盖保护
- British government statisticians admitted they had seriously understated the contribution of software investment. 英国政府统计人员承认,他们严重低估了软件产业投资(对英国经济)的贡献。
- Investment costs are Iow,a broad appreciation of the space business investment protection zero risk............. {强大的品牌战略;巨额的广告支持保障投资经营零风险......
- Microsoft Software Assurance is a comprehensive maintenance offering that helps you get the most out of your software investment. Microsoft软件保障是一项综合维护服务,可帮助您从自己的软件投资获得最大的价值回报。
- You are free to choose your VoIP program, IPK system helps you to achieve a complete investment protection. 您可以自由的选择适合您的VoIP方案,IPK系统帮助您做到完全的投资保护。
- Overseas investment can never be safeguarded without a sound overseas investment protection system. 境外投资必须依靠健全的境外投资保护制度。
- Investor protection is one of the three key tasks of IOSCO. 摘要国际证监会组织(IOSCO)将“保护投资者”列为对资本市场三大监管目标之一。
- Scalable to provide long term investment protection, the RealPOS 80 offers multiple high performance Intel processors for maximum flexibility. 可扩充以保护长期投资,RealPOS 80提供多个高性能Intel处理器以实现最大的灵活性。
- The three countries will push for the early conclusion of negotiations on promoting trade facilitation and investment protection. 三国将推动尽快完成有关促进三国投资便利化和投资保护的谈判。
- It holds such opinion that the Chinese government should take its advantages on the respects of investment promoting, investment protection and investment control. 认为中国政府的角色应定位在投资促进、投资保护和必要的投资管制上。
- HP was in charge of designing and integrating the entire network of desktop computers, as well as developing the communications infrastructure with investment protection in mind. HP负责设计和集成整个网络内的台式机,同时在考虑了投资保护的前提下开发通信基础网络。
- New measures to enhance market transparency, investor protection and education. 考虑采取一些新措施,以增加市场透明度及为投资者提供更佳的保障和教育。
- Unilateral protection measures, bilatetal protection treaties, multilateral investment protection covenants are the main ways to protect and improve oversea investment. 跨国投资促进与保护的主要方式包括政府单边保护措施、双边保护协定、多边投资担保公约等方式。
- The promise of low training costs and investment protection for the 100 million nodes of installed Ethernet products should capture the attention of even the most skeptical network manager. 对已安装的1亿个以太网产品节点来说,低培训成本及投资保护的承诺应该能抓住最挑剔的网络管理人员的注意力。
- Designed for increased uptime and serviceability, this new family delivers long-term investment protection, outstanding value in a server platform combined with great performance and reliability. 这一专为延长运行时间和提高可维护性而设计的全新家族,可为服务器平台提供长期投资保护和出色价值,并可带来卓越的性能与可靠性。
- Judge of the United States Securities Investment Protection Corporation (SIPC) request to appoint a trustee to take over Michael Adolf investment securities companies of all remaining assets. 法官应美国证券投资人保护公司(SIPC)的要求,任命一位托管人接管麦道夫投资证券公司剩余的全部资产。
- Look for this language:MEMBER SECURITIES INVESTOR PROTECTION CORPORATION ( SIPC ). 以下这句话可帮助你确定:证券投资者保护公司的会员。
- I would advise you to update the software. 我建议你把这个软件升级。
- SIPC is an important part of the overall system of investor protection in the United States. SIPC是美国投资者保护完整体系中的重要组成部分。
- Some publishers are now diversifying into software. 有些出版社目前正兼营软件。