- Night from a railroad car window is a great, dark, soft thing. 是大而黑的柔软物体,纵横带着光之鞭痕。
- He loved soft things, and would often smile at the touch of a soft teddy bear or other soft toy. 他喜欢柔软的东西,在触摸软软的艾德熊和别的柔软的东西时经常露出微笑。
- Night from a railroad car window is a great, dark, soft thing broken across with slashes of light. 火车窗中望见的夜,是大而黑的柔软物体,纵横带着光之鞭痕。
- Silk, the softest thing in nature, has a good elasticity. 蚕丝,自然界中最柔的天然弹性纤维。
- So show the enough trueness even some naive and soft things in your affection. 所以显示出足够的纯真,哪怕是你的情绪中一点幼稚和柔软的地方。
- Nothingness cannot be defined; t he softest thing cannot be snapped. 空是无法下定义解说的,正如最柔的东西是无法剪断的一般。
- He loved soft things,and would often smile at the touch of a soft teddy bear or other soft toy. 他喜欢柔软的东西,在触摸软软的艾德熊和别的柔软的东西时经常露出微笑。
- He is a very hard[I] guy indeed. In fact the softest thing about him is his front teeth. 他是个很硬朗的小伙子,事实上他最软的部位是他的前牙。
- He loved soft things, and would often smile at the touch of a soft teddybear or other soft toy. 他喜欢柔软的东西,在触摸软软的艾德熊和别的柔软的东西时经常露出微笑。
- My wife murmurs the same thing day in and day out. 我妻子天天喋喋不休地重复同样的话。
- He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing. 他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹。
- A funny thing happened in the subway yesterday. 昨天地铁里发生了一件有趣的事。
- Soft drinks are much in demand this hot weather. 这么热的天气,软饮料需求量很大。
- He was fawning on a damsel with soft words. 他正用甜言蜜语向一位女郞献殷勤。
- It is no fun betting on a sure thing. 对必然要发生的事打赌是毫无意义的。
- Who plucked , playing with a love of the voiceless, even though it's soft Things glabella, flowery makeup of the plum, but also a tree aromatic, of Three Variations of Plum Flowers. 谁的纤指拨弦,弹奏着一曲情爱的清音,纵然那眉间似水的柔媚,如花的梅妆,却也惊得一树的芳香,梅花三弄的雅兴。
- How odd they have gone through the eccentric thing! 他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!
- That was the only thing they could count on. 那是他们唯一依靠的东西。
- I've always had a real soft spot for him. 我一向对他挺有好感。
- He is exempt from punishment about this thing. 关于此事对他已免于处分。