- SUN Xue-yi.Grouted rock bolt used in underground engineering in soft surrounding rock or high stress region[J].Journal of China Coal Society,1984,9(2):61-69. [4]孙学毅.;高应力地区和软弱围岩地下工程砂浆锚杆[J]
- Abstract The design, blasting techniques and outcomes of maintaining a roadway with soft surrounding rock under overhead mining using destressing are introduced in this paper. 本文介绍了利用卸压法维护跨采软岩巷道的施工设计、爆破工艺技术及取得的成果。
- The construction of Tianchi Railway Tunnel features the rapid construction with self -developed complete sets of equipment for single -track tunnel and the excavation of soft surrounding rock section by adding an access tunnel. 天池隧道施工有两个特点,一是施工中运用了自行开发的铁路单线隧道配套设备进行施工;
- According to the field investigation at Dayang coal mine, the paper describes behavior of ground pressure of longwall top coal caving face with soft surrounding rock and movement of overlying strata. 本文通过大雁二矿28%23层采面矿山压力的实测分析,论述了软岩矿井大采放比综放开采矿压显现特征和围岩活动规律。
- loess and soft surrounding rock road tunnel 黄土软岩公路隧道
- New technique of twice supporting in deep and soft surrounding rock roadway 深井软岩巷道围岩二次支护新技术
- Mesh and shell supporting in roadway with extremely soft surrounding rock 极软岩巷道网壳支护技术研究
- Using pre-stress cable bolt to support soft surrounding rock roadway 预应力锚索支护在治理软岩巷道破坏中的应用
- Deep boring grouting technology applied in constructing tunnels with soft surrounding rocks 深孔注浆技术在软弱围岩隧道施工中的应用
- Theory of broken-rock circle and its application in roadway's bolting and shotcrete lining within soft surrounding rocks 围岩松动圈理论及其在软岩巷道锚喷支护中的应用
- Theory analysis and engineering practice of reinforcing soft surrounding rock roadway with bolting 松软围岩巷道锚杆加固的理论分析与工程实践
- Application of Bench Reservation Core Soil in Tunnel Construction of Soft Surrounding Rock with Full Section 正台阶预留核心土法在大断面软弱围岩公路隧道施工中的应用
- Ground pressure in top coal caving with extremely soft surrounding rock and high seam thickness 极软特厚煤层放顶煤矿压显现规律
- Construction technology of soft surrounding rock tunnel with shallow cover and lateral pressure 浅埋、偏压、软弱围岩隧道进洞施工技术
- Research and Application on the Bolting System Loading Capability for the Soft Surrounding Rock 松软围岩锚杆支护系统承载能力的研究与应用
- Application of the humid stress theory on the soft surrounding rock stability control around coal mining roadway 湿度应力场理论在软岩巷道围岩稳定性控制中的应用
- Study on Enhanced Pre-support Techniques Base on the Deformation Characteristics of Loose and Soft Surrounding Rock 基于松软围岩变形特征的强化预支护技术研究
- The appliance of arch-wall construction method to soft surrounding rock of the exit section of Feiluanling Right Tunnel 飞鸾岭隧道右洞出口端软弱围岩先拱后墙施工方法
- New Austrian Tunneling Method Constructional Technology of Soft Surrounding Rock in Beiweizi Tunnel 北隈子隧道软弱围岩新奥法施工技术
- It is possible to use Gurit without damaging the surrounding rock. 使用古力特炸药将完全可能不造成对围岩的破坏。