- soft power of Chinese culture 文化软实力
- An ordinary Chinese peasant spirit touched him, he told the director Tan Chen, in the film, he can feel the power of Chinese cultural heritage. 一个普通中国农民的精神打动了他,他告诉导演谭琛,在这部电影里,他能感受到中国文化传承的力量。
- HuangHe River is the cradle of chinese culture. 黄河是中国文明的摇篮。
- Huanghe River is the headstream of Chinese culture. 黄河是中国文明的摇篮。
- Confucianism is the backbone of Chinese culture. 儒家思想是中国传统文化的主干。
- Beijing opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture. 京剧是中华民族的国粹。
- It was easy for the Chinese to dissociate the soft power of American society from the hard power of Washington. 中国人很容易将美国社会的软实力与美国政府的硬实力区分开来。
- This,I think,can be regarded as the attitude of Chinese Culture. 我想,这可以算作《中国文化》出版社的态度。
- The four treasures of the study, the gem of Chinese culture. 文房四宝,中华文化之瑰宝。
- The pervasive soft power of the English language is such that many Singaporeans, understandably, are more attracted to the Western culture and influences than to their own ethnic roots. 英语和它所带来的影响,使人们更容易被西方文化吸引,而忽略了自己的根,这是可以理解的。
- Chinese painting are three quintessence forms of Chinese culture. 京剧、中医和国画是中国的三大国粹。
- A Dream of Red Mansions is the gem of Chinese culture. 曹雪芹的《红楼梦》是中华文化的瑰宝。
- The pervasive soft power of the English language is such that many Singaporeans,understandably,are more attracted to the Western culture and influences than to their own ethnic roots. 英语和它所带来的影响,使人们更容易被西方文化吸引,而忽略了自己的根,这是可以理解的。
- Title: Method of Trisection: Interpretation of Chinese Culture? 关键词:二分法;三分法;对立面;关联;包;超;导
- Mr. Ji Xianlin is a famous master of Chinese culture. 季羡林先生是有名的国学大师。
- This growing soft power of China was strengthened by the 2008 Olympics extravaganza, and the Shanghai Expo next year will similarly dazzle. 中国的软实力在08年的奥运盛事上得以加强和提高,2010年的上海世博会也会同样地令人惊叹。
- the expansion of the soft power of culture 文化软权力扩张
- the soft power of enterprises culture 企业文化实力
- And the future of Chinese culture does not depend on it. 华夏文化的未来并不仰其鼻息。
- With Britain's decline after World War II,the world leadership passed to the Americans who inherited from the British,and built upon,the all-pervasive soft power of the English language. 在第二次世界大战之后,英国的国势日落西山,崛起为世界老大的是美国,美国并把英国语文这股软体力量在世界各地继承并发扬光大。