- soft foundation management 软基处理
- Treatment of breakwater soft foundation by sand bags and dewatering plastic sheet can fully satisfy the project need. 采用袋装砂和塑料排水板的软基处理方法完全能够满足工程需要。
- We must consummate the infrastructure,strengthen the foundation management,put human first,and guarantee comprehensively safe orison. 创建平安监狱必须完善基础设施,加强基础管理,强调以人为本,确保和谐平安。
- Application Research on Deep Mixing Lime Pile Strengthnbing Soft Foundation of Highway. 深层搅拌石灰桩加固公路软基的应用研究。
- In terms of foundation management, every town could strictly control the reimburesment according to the constitutions which could be edited when it was necessary. 资金管理的要点在于抓住报销比例这一主要矛盾,确保有限资金得到合理运用。
- The research result is of certain reference value for engineering of reinforced embankment with soft foundation. 研究结果对软基上路堤加筋处理有借鉴意义。
- Concrete-cored sand-gravel pile as a new technique for improvement of soft foundation is briefly introduced. 摘要简单介绍了新型软基处理技术?混凝土芯砂石桩。
- Scheme Comparison and safety assessment of earth and rockfill dams, tailing dams and soft foundation. 从事土石(尾矿)坝、软土地基工程专业领域的设计方案技术论证、安全评价。
- The treatment of breakwater soft foundation by sand-bagged and plastic waterspout can... 采用袋装砂和塑料排水板的软基处理方法完全能够满足工程需要。
- FEC2 can use vibroflotation and Dynamic compaction method to consolidation soft foundation. 我处可采用振冲法和强夯法加固软土地基。
- An example of consolidating soft foundation using lime-soil compaction pile in construction is introduced. 介绍了用灰土挤密桩加固软弱地基的一个工程实例。
- Aiming at soft foundation soil,this paper emphasizes on quality control of large caisson constructions. 文章针对软土地基的特点,重点介绍大型沉井下沉施工的质量控制工作。
- The pouring concrete technology is a kind of commonsense method strengthened to the soft foundation. 注浆技术是对软基础进行加固的一种常用方法。
- Research on construction technology of earth and rock-fill dams and tailing dam,soft foundation improvement and aseismatic engineering. 土石坝工程、灰渣筑坝技术、软土地基加固、工程抗震等研究领域取得了富有创造性、具有国际先进水平的成果。
- The paper introduces the application technology of geotexile to treating soft foundation in grit subgrade of Xihu highway. 介绍了西(安)户(县)高速公路土工格栅在砂砾路基中处理软基工程的应用技术。
- The soft foundation dam section has two cracks in the Flying gorge key WR project main dam near Changshuitang because of uneven settlement influence. 飞来峡水利枢纽右岸长水塘附近的软基坝段因受坝基的不均匀沉降影响,产生了两条横向裂缝。
- Taking Coalfield Project of Jiaxing Power Plant project for example,soft foundation improved by self-preloading of coal is analyzed. 以嘉兴电厂二期煤场工程软基处理为例,对堆煤自预压法进行软基加固进行了分析研究。
- LIANG Wen-hai,CUI Zhi-jian.Application of SPB-1plastic draining plate in the treatment of soft foundation[J].Pearl River,1997,(3):33-35. [3]梁文海;崔志坚.;应用SPB-1塑料排水板处理软基[J]
- Drained consolidation method is an economical effective soil treatment for the construction of airport pavement on the soft foundation. 在软土地基上建设道面工程,采用排水固结法处理软土地基,是经济有效的地基加固方法之一。
- Applying raft lamination foundation to the treatment of soft foundation, we take effective measures to solve our problems in the work. 在软土地基上,采用筏片基础,针对施工过程中出现的问题采取有效技术措施,保证了施工质量,取得了在软土层上建造建筑物的成功经验。