- Exceeding this point, the localized deformation became violent on soft clay. 过此点后粘性土局部化变形加剧。
- The consolidation coefficient is key parameters in the soft clay engineering. 在软土工程中,地基土的固结系数是重要参数。
- In soft clay, tubes of the extending type can easily be pushed down through the clay by using a mechanical excavator. 在软泥中,可以利用挖掘机,很容易地把需要延伸的管子穿过泥土推下去。
- The settlement and deformation behavior of the soft clay subgrade are analyzed in detail before and after the opening to traffic. 详细分析了通车前和通车后软土路基的沉降变形特征。
- A new kind of pile named concrete-cored DCM pile is developed for medium load design in soft clay ground. 加芯水泥土搅拌桩是一种用于处理软土地基的新型桩;目前该种桩型在国内外的研究尚未完善.
- When the expressway is built in the district, the soft clay foundation is often treated by cement-soil piles. 在连云港软土地区修筑高速公路时,通常采用水泥土搅拌桩地基处理方法使路基强度和变形满足工程的要求。
- For the purpose of finishing secondary compression deformation of soft clay early, too large OPR was not necessary. 以提早完成基准期次压缩变形量为目标,过大的超载比是没必要的。
- They sat to him accordingly, and saw how he moulded and formed the soft clay with his fingers. 她们坐着让他塑,瞧着他怎么用手指来捏,来摆弄那软泥。
- It was therefore planned to improve the soft clay by preloading in combination with plastic drains. 为验证方案的抗软化能力能否满足要求,在大面积施工前进行此次现场试验与研究。
- The soft ground in loess ravine region has not been researched by the numbers yet, and its engineering properties have some difference from ordinary soft clay located in littoral. 摘要黄土沟壑区分布的湿软地基目前还没有系统的理论研究,其工程性质与一般软土有一定区别。
- Systematic in situ tests were carried out to study the bearing capacity of composite foundation with cement-soil piles in soft clay. 通过现场足尺试验;研究了软土中水泥土群桩的承载力特性.
- Then qualitative analysis on the mineral composition, chemical composition and microstructure characteristic and types of the soft clay is given. 运用X射线衍射和扫描电子显微镜技术,对水泥土及水泥-粉煤灰加固软土的微观结构和机理进行分析。
- A series of 1-D consolidation tests were carried out for soft clay with different over pressure ratios (OPR) and different preloading durations. 摘要通过不同超载比、不同作用时间的一维固结试验,研究软土在超载作用过程的变形机理。
- There are plentiful resources of associated sandy kaoline and soft clay in the Tertiary coal measures in Changchang coal mine area, Hainan province. 海南省长昌矿区第三纪煤系地层中伴生有丰富的砂质高岭土和软质粘土资源。
- Soft clays are widely distributed in coastland and inland plain. 软粘土在我国沿海和内陆平原都有较广泛的分布。
- Natural structural soft clay is a strong structural soil, therefore, the real preconsolidation pressure won't be obtained by traditional method. 土的天然结构性软粘土是一种具有较强结构性的土,通过传统的求取土先期固结压力的方法,是无法获得其真正先期固结压力的。
- Meanwhile, the normalized stress-strain relationship of Wuhan soft clay under consolidated undrained condition is established. 同时,运用标准归一化因子,建立了武汉软土固结不排水条件下应力-应变特性的归一化方程。
- This paper serves as a general guide for the design and analysis of tunneling through soft clay with pipe roofing method. 分析评估土体变形及地表沉陷,符合设计条件要求,为工程设计及分析上之挑战。
- With the-development of economic of littoral, in civil projects the people have to encountered many saturated soft clay foundation. 摘要随着基础设施建设的发展,人们不得不面对许多淤泥类软土地基。
- The refractory insulating bricks were produced by plastic moulding, taking alumi-na,soft clay,cyanite et al as raw materials. 以工业氧化铝、结合粘土、蓝晶石等为原料,应用聚苯乙烯球烧先注和可塑成形法研制成功了耐火隔热砖。