- soft camel rs hair brush 软驼毛刷
- camel rs hair brush 驼毛刷
- pure winter weasel rs hair brush 纯冬狼颖
- soft camel's hair brush 软驼毛刷
- camel rs hair 骆驼毛
- Horse hair brush: buffing, smoothing and brush off. 马尾毛轮:打磨平滑擦色。
- The young girl rs hair trailed over her shoulder. 年轻姑娘的长发披肩。
- She bought a hair brush (toothbrush). 她买了一把发刷(牙刷).
- Between ourselves, that young man rs hair is much too long. 就咱俩之间说说,那小伙子的头发实在是太长了。
- The young girl rs hair was tied up with a red ribbon. 这个小女孩的头发用一条红缎带扎了起来。
- algesimeter with needle and camel hair brush 带针及驼毛刷的测痛计
- Her hair brushed against her rosy cheeks. 她的头发轻拂着红红的脸颊。
- Animals need to have their hair brushed. 动物需要经常洗刷其皮毛。
- The simple idea, the Eraser Brush(GBP 7; about $11) with a hair brush at the end of the pencil eraser. 这个橡皮擦并不是十分稀奇,但是与普通橡皮擦不同的是,在另外一头是用毛发做的刷子。
- Paper can do squirrels Neckties, scarves, hats, tail hair brush, and so the system can be. 只要食物充足,松鼠的雌性个体就能繁殖较多个体,有着较强的繁殖力。
- Is Kate rs hair long or short? 凯特的头发是长的还是短的?
- Kate rs hair is long. 凯特的头发是长的。
- We padded the seat of the chair with camel hair to make it soft. 我们把驼毛絮在椅垫里,使之更加软和。
- A camel fleet to carry me to my native place. 木兰不用尚书郎,愿借千里足,送儿还故乡。
- Her hair hung to her shoulders in soft ripples. 她的头发呈飘柔波浪式披悬到肩。