- soddy podzolic soil test 生草灰化土试验
- soddy podzolic soil 草生灰化土,生草灰化土
- soddy podzolic soils 生草灰化土
- A soil test should be done annually, each year in the same month. 每年在相同的月份都要进行土壤测试。
- Soil testing and fertilizer recommendation. 以土壤测试为基础的推荐施肥技术。
- Do a lab soil test before seeding so that results are in hand prior to establishment day. 在播种前做一个土壤分析,在播种时拿到土壤分析报告。
- Wroth, C.P., 1984, “The interpretation of in situ soil test,” 24th Rankine Lecture, Geotechnique, Vol.34, No.4, pp.449-489. 蔡锦松,刘衍志,周立德,刘福镇,2001,“标准贯入试验与能量检测,”地工技术,第83期,第5-12页。
- Based on many soil test using modified odemeter, the paper research the consolidation deformation properties of GuangXi marine ooze. 本文利用改装的固结仪,通过大量的室内土工试验,对广西海相淤泥这种典型饱和软粘土的固结变形特性进行了系统地研究。
- Where wheat was fertilized with N only, P released from organic matter met crop needs, and soil test P gradually declined. 当小麦只施用氮肥时,用有机质释放的磷来满足作物的需要,土壤有效磷逐渐下降。
- Band and broadcast applications tend to be equal when soil test levels are high, the soil is warm and moist, and the P is thoroughly incorporated. 当土壤有效磷水平较高,土壤温暖湿润以及磷肥充分混匀的条件下,条施和撒施磷肥的效果相当。
- Recently,the test means adopted widely are AA and ICP, but photometry and polarography still occupy a certain position in soil test of trace elements,because of their handy equipments and the improvement of their sensitivity and accuracy. 现代测试手段发展到广泛采用原子吸收光谱(AA)和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP),但比色法(光度法)和极谱法不仅设备比较简便,而且新的显色剂、催化系统等方面的研究进展,使其对某些元素的测定灵敏度和准确度超过AA和ICP,从而在微量元素测试技术中仍占据一定地位。
- The institutepossesses more than one hundred sets of equipment, such as engineering drill, test apparatus, intelligent total station electronic tachometer,GPS and other geophysical , soil test, mineral and rock analysis equipment and instrument. 拥有各类工程钻机、试验仪器、智能全站仪、GPS全球一位系统等先进勘察设备及配套仪器一百多台套,物探化探、测量测绘、土工试验和化学分析设备齐全,计算机系统先进,完成数百项大中型勘查及施工项目。
- The soil tested was derived from river alluvial material, selected soil characteristics are given in Table1. 供试土壤衍生于河流冲积物,土壤主要农化性状由表1给出。
- The first commercial soil testing laboratory was established by the Australian Fertilizers Limited in NSW in 1963. 澳大利亚肥料股份有限公司于1963年在新南威尔士州首先建立了第一个商业性土壤测试实验室。
- Recent research and progress of ion exchange resin membrane (IEM) in soil testing were summarized. 综述了国内外离子交换树脂膜(膜型树脂)的研究进展;
- Each of soil tested in soybean production region contained > 104 cell of soybean rhizobium per gram. 植物感染结瘤法测得大豆种植地点土著根瘤菌菌数在104/克土以上。
- Major factors of the pear iron chlorosis were determined through soil testing and leaf analysis. 通过对酥梨缺铁黄化症的土壤分析、叶片分析来确定诱发黄化的主要因素。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Last week, the Western Grower Association announced it will be developing a food safety plan. The plan will include measures such as improve(ed?) water and soil testing. 上周西部种植者联盟宣告他们正在制定一个食物安全计划。该计划将会包括一些诸如改进水和土壤的检测方法之类的措施。
- The house is called a sod house or soddy. 那么房子就叫做草皮屋或草屋。