- sociocultural influcnccs 社会文化影响
- The study of language in relation to its sociocultural context. 对语言与社会文化的关系的研究。
- Meanwhile she developed it and formed her own sociocultural neurosis theory. 她的社会文化神经症理论就是在批判弗洛伊德的基础上提出来的。
- Sociocultural factors had only a indirect influence on physical activity. 社会文化因素对身体活动只有间接影响力。
- It means a sociocultural assimilation of people of differing backgrounds and nationalities. 大熔炉指不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。
- Thus, more attention should also be paid to culture in language in order to develop students' sociocultural competence. 所以在外语教学中要充分重视文化背景知识的传授,培养学生的实际文化交际能力。
- This female inter-subjectivity ironically nourishes the continuity of a patriarchal sociocultural system. 这种主体之间的互动,又如何为延续父权的社会文化制度提供有利条件。
- But the drive in also tied in neatly to two other sociocultural developments of that time. 但在过去那些美好岁月里,这项活动更多是一种炫耀,没有现在那种令人兴奋的特性。
- Recently, sociocultural theory has been introduced into language learning and language teaching. 其中认知理论在应用语言学领域一直是科学研究与实践应用的先导理论。
- Also embedded in this orientation to immigrant characters are its rich sociocultural meanings. 人物形象的移民化倾向还蕴含着丰富的社会文化意义。
- Sociocultural theory insists media, parents, peers and health experts as the primary transfering means . 形体意象的干预措施包括改变形体现状和认知-行为干预技术。
- Therefore, sociocultural factors and local customs are the determinants in the transmission of taeniasis. 其主要原因,由于山区及边远地区之人民有狩猎习惯,嗜生吃或吃不熟家畜及山野动物之内脏及肌肉。
- Brunt, P. &Courtney, P.(1999). Host Perceptions of Sociocultural Impacts, Annals of Tourism Research, 26(3):493-515. 林琼华(1995),观光游憩发展对传统聚落环境知觉及景观意象之影响,国立台湾大学园艺研究所硕士论文。
- Since man's biological equipment is unspecialized and unspecific, human beings inhabit a sociocultural environment which they have to construct. 既然人的生物性器官没有特定化、专门化,人类就居住在一个他们必须构建的社会文化环境中。
- Here we report a case of BPD which illustrates the interactions among sociocultural factors, psychopathology, and treatment. 我们报告此个案并显示其在社会文化因子、精神病理、及治疗的相关性。
- Moreover, the sociocultural situation and even the physical surroundings can influence the meanings constructed by both parties. 而且,社会文化环境,甚至是周围的物理环境也可能会对双方的意义建构产生影响。
- Forman, N.Minick, &C.A.Stone.Contexts for Learning: Sociocultural Dynamics in Children'S Developmen[M]t, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993. 您正在浏览的“文化心理:数学学习研究中的一种社会文化视角论文”来源于网络或期刊,由完全论文网收集,属于“心理学论文”栏目,版权归其作者所有。
- Despite the overwhelming similarities,these differences result from the different cognitive and sociocultural backgrounds. 这些差异来源于英汉不同的认知和社会文化背景。
- The research is rooted in sociocultural theories of learning and development.The notion of activity is thus central to this investigation. 并提出有关数学科创意教学的研究结论及具体建议,以供教师教学或其他相关竞赛参考。
- Words have sociocultural as well as denotative or conceptual meaning.Vocabulary teaching involves cultural knowledge introducing. 词汇除语面或概念意义外具有丰富的社会文化内涵意义。